• Faith

    When you feel like God is not There

    There is a certain season in life when you just can’t help but feel like you are alone. You can’t see the blessings around you, and it seems like God doesn’t exist. When you experience that moment, always put this gentle reminder in your heart: God is there, and He never leaves your side. You can’t see and feel His hands because your senses are focused on other things. Maybe your heart is too occupied by your fears, or perhaps, you are always thinking about your problems. Just be patient with the season that you are in, and don’t treat it as your enemy. Sometimes, you will go through moments…

  • Poem

    Day 226 – Romans 15:4

    For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4, NIV If you want to be reminded of the miracles that God did before, then open your Bible and let His stories reveal to you what it means to experience His presence. Everything that was written in the past exists to teach us more of God. The best way to know His heart is to read the scriptures. There, you will discover inspiring stories that will open your eyes to His goodness. It will help you build…