• Faith

    A Safe Place to Hide

    We all need a place where we can freely expose our weaknesses – a place where we are free to cry and just be honest with ourselves. We need people who accept the worst stories of our past at the same time willing to walk with us. In this broken world we live in, it’s so rare to find a place we can call home. We may have a house or family and friends, but that doesn’t mean they are our safe zones. One way or another, there are times when we feel so alone when we are with them. The people who should’ve known everything about us failed to…

  • Faith

    There’s a Home that’s Waiting for you

    If you feel so tired and restless, if you find yourself looking for a place where you can just pause and experience peace, then know that God is just waiting for you to go back in His arms. Connect to His heart, and you will discover heaven here on earth. This life will give you so many challenges. You will go through pain and heartaches. You will feel so empty and exhausted along the way, but know that you can always rely on God. He prepared a place where you can recharge and be at ease. It’s something that you can’t physically see, but it exists in the spiritual realm.…

  • Poem

    Peace vs. Earthly Wealth

    What’s the purpose of your wealth?If you can’t sleep at nightWhat will you do with your money?If your conscience is killing you inside You may have so many housesOr you may own huge propertiesBut if you can’t find a place called homeThen your life feels so miserable There’s nothing wrongWith gaining earthly wealthAs long as you acquire themAccording to God’s ways He blessed youSo that you can be His vesselHe provided you with more than enoughSo that you can share what you have Your riches can never buy peaceOnly God can give it to youSo put Him firstAnd everything else will follow

  • Faith

    Finding A Home In The Midst Of Chaos Is Always A Great Blessing

    Home is where you can find peace and rest. It’s a place where you will feel secured and protected. When you are too bombarded with so many problems, home is where you can take a break and gain energy so that you can stand up and keep on moving. It also refers to a person who’s always there for you when you feel tired and hopeless. And above all, God is also your home where you can find comfort and courage to move on. If you think that the word “home” never exists in your life, then know that you can always come back to the arms of your loving…

  • Faith

    God Will Give You The Kind Of Peace That Is Beyond Your Understanding

    The challenges of this word are sometimes too overwhelming, and if you focus on what you are facing, you will find yourself so tired and restless. When you just don’t know how to solve your problems. Always remember you can always call upon the name of your Heavenly Father. He alone can give you the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. You will find rest in His arms. In Him, you will receive hope and courage to move forward. If everything feels so heavy and you no longer have the strength to take the next step, always remember that God will always rescue you. Remember that you always have…

  • Faith

    This World Is Just Our Temporary Home

    Do everything for the glory of God. Remember that everything in this world will fade away. God alone will remain, and He will stay forever. Sometimes, because we are fully occupied with our works and the things that need to be done, we tend to forget that the place we live in is just our temporary shelter. We do things as if our life will never end. And we make decisions as if we are certain of the things that will happen tomorrow. We fail to recognize the truth that our life here on earth will never last forever. One day, we will all go back in the arms of…

  • Faith

    Come Back In God’s Arms For He Will Always Accept You

    If you think you’ve already gone too far and felt guilty within because of the things you did before. Then always remember that God is just waiting for you to come back in His presence, and He will embrace you with His great love. He accepts you for who you. He knows all your mistakes and the sins that you committed. All you have to do is to ask His forgiveness. Learn to surrender the guilt feeling you have inside and allow the love of God to transform your life. Do not be ashamed because God is your heavenly Father, and His love for you is greater than the sins…

  • Poem

    God is your Home

    When was the last time you feel like you are home?Maybe some of you experienced it just recentlyBut other people can no longer remember what it feels likeBecause the word home is a very strange word for them The place that they once called home shattered before their eyesAnd it became a very painful part of their memoriesThe people who supposedly give them comfortBecame their source of pain It’s heartbreaking to see peoplewho no longer experience the comfort of homeThey feel like they can’t find a safe place where they can restAnd trust is very difficult for them to giveNo one can ever describe the pain they feel insideAnd they…

  • Poem

    Jesus Is Calling You Back Again

    Sometimes what you need is not a place where you can restBut someone who can listen to you without biasesSometimes what you want is not a life full of richesBut the kind of feeling that will truly satisfy you deep inside Sometimes you are not really looking for love from somebodyBut you just wanted to be healedAnd you thought that the love from others can restore what’s brokenBut the truth is, only God can heal the matters of your HeartBecause it takes a divine intervention to fully heal the scars inside Sometimes we are too occupied with things of this worldThat we tend to forget the one who truly mattersWe…