The Gift Of Being Vulnerable To The Right People
We all want to feel connected to other people. We are highly relational and social beings. We have a deep desire to be with people who will make us feel safe. It takes a vulnerable heart to do this. That’s why, the moment we learn to express what’s in our hearts to the right people, that’s when we feel so connected to them. Being vulnerable is not that bad. We may have negative experiences in the past that led us to build walls that protected ourselves, but our lives won’t be that fulfilling if we don’t learn to connect to others. We just need to find the right people who…
John 11: 35, NIV
Jesus wept. John 11:35, NIV Jesus is also a human. He has emotions, and He also feels sad. When his dear friend Lazarus died, Jesus wept and poured out His sadness through His tears. You see, Jesus can absolutely relate to you. If by chance you lose someone you love, then may this shortest verse in the bible remind you that Jesus understands what’s in your heart. He felt the same thing when He lost His friend Lazarus. But the amazing part is, even though He knew that he would still rise from the dead, Jesus still allowed Himself to feel sad. This is a reminder for us that it’s…
I’d rather take the Pain than live Life without Real Joy and Love within
I thought a happy life meant living without pain and problems. I thought it was about protecting yourself from potential heartaches. You see, wounds are scary. They can traumatize you and lead you to misery. It’s not good. Period. This was my mindset before, and because I was full of fear within, the pain became my number one enemy. I tried to live life protecting myself from the things that could possibly break me in the end. I was like a tiny house built on a very weak foundation. My roof was made of leaves, my windows were wide open because of the wounds, and I don’t have any doors…
Day 193 – Psalms 144:3-4
Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow. Psalms 144:3-4,NIV God cares for you. There may be moments when you feel so devastated, but He is helping you. You can’t feel Him because His ways are hard to comprehend, but He is thinking of your welfare. He planned and prepared everything that you needed along the journey. Your life may be short, but still, God treats you as a precious stone. So never think of yourself as worthless. Your creator loves you so much. You are so important in…
Only God Can Give You The Kind Of Love That Never Fails
When we talk about love, people would somehow associate it with something sweet and delightful. But love is not just about romance. It’s deeper and wider than what other people can give to you. If you think that your life partner can satisfy the thirst in your heart, then always remember this. Only perfect love can make you whole. And no human being can give it to you. In short, you can’t find that kind of love from your partner. Only God can give you perfect love. And in Him, you will always feel fulfilled and whole. Because He will heal your wounds and replace your pain with hope. God…