• Faith

    Let God’s Grace Teach you how to be Humble

    Open your heart and receive the grace of God. Acknowledge the truth that you can never save yourself from the fires of hell. Your efforts will be in vain if you will just rely on your own strength. You need the precious blood of Jesus to purify you from your sins. Treat Him as your Savior, and only then will you realize that there’s nothing that you can boast in the presence of God. Every blessing that you receive comes from Him. Every victory you experienced is all because of His favor and goodness. Yes, you exerted some effort, but God is still in charge at the end of the…

  • His Word

    Day 353 -James 4:10

    Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10,NIV Stay humble in the presence of God. Acknowledge His power and accept the truth that you are nothing without Him. Always remember that He will be the one who will lift you up.  Know that God sees your heart, so if you think that there are things that you need to work on and purify inside, then pray that God will move and change you from within. You will never be transformed into a better person unless you humble yourself and ask for God’s guidance. Let Him lead you, and do not rely on your own understanding.…

  • His Word

    Day 286 – Ephesians 4:2

    Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2,NIV Be kind to the people around you. Be humble in moments when you are corrected. Never allow pride to consume your heart. Be gentle and choose to understand others. Remember that they also go through hardships in life, so be careful with your actions or the words from your mouth. Be patient and stop rushing things, trust in God’s ways, and let Him move in your life. Above all. Just choose to love. Let it become the strongest foundation in your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Acknowledge the will of God and choose…

  • His Word

    Day 172 – Luke 14: 11

    For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. luke 14:11, niv Acknowledge the Sovereignty of God in your life. Stay humble in His presence and depend on Him more than you rely on your own knowledge and skills. Abide in His word and put Him at the center of your life. Exalt Him in everything that you do and stop controlling the things that you can’t handle. Let God take good care of you, and do not be selfish. Allow God to teach you how to serve Him and the people around you. Do not allow your ego to consume your…

  • His Word

    Day 57 – Proverbs 26:16

    A self-righteous person is convinced he’s smarter than seven wise counselors who tell him the truth Proverbs 26:16 , Tpt Listen to those people who know more about your situation. If you wanted to solve your problems, then don’t just rely on your own understanding. Learn to ask for some advice from the people who already experienced your struggles. They may not go through the exact challenges you encountered, but you can always get many ideas from them. It takes a humble heart to listen to the words of wise counselors. Sometimes, it’s even painful to accept the corrections, but you must acknowledge that you need help and can’t make…