• Faith

    You can’t see the Blessings Because you Focused on the Problems

    There are a lot of good things that are happening around you. But sad to say, you fail to see them because you treat your problems as more significant than what your Creator can give. You tend to magnify what’s wrong instead of looking for solutions. God already gave you the resources that you need to overcome the circumstances that you are facing. You just have to allow Him to guide you. He can give you the wisdom that you need. Just stop entertaining your worries. God understands your situation. He knows the best thing to do. Instead of putting conclusions on things that you can’t fully comprehend, why not…

  • His Word

    Day 293 – Proverbs 19:2

    Also it is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps errs. Proverbs 19:2, NIV If you have something great in mind that you desire to happen, then find some time to acquire the necessary knowledge that you need for you to be prepared. Be more intentional in finding the skills to help you achieve your desires. Do not be in a hurry. Take your time to go through the process and cease the lesson you must learn. Allow yourself to experience the things that are very crucial for your growth and maturity. Be patient and choose to wait. You will commit so…

  • His Word

    Day 82 – Psalm 38:15

    Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God. Psalm 38:15, NIV Wait for God’s answers, and do not be in a hurry. You may think that everything is too late, but with Him, the waiting season will soon make sense. So instead of worrying about your future or doubting God’s faithfulness to you, choose to trust in Him. Keep your faith because after He builds your character, you will receive the great blessings that you’ve been waiting for. There may be moments when you can’t understand His ways, but keep walking and continue to hold His hands. Know that in Him, you will always feel safe and…