• Poem

    Not just a Shadow

    You are not somebody’s shadowGod’s light is in youSo stop treating yourselfAs if you are a slave to someone else God gave you the freedom to chooseYou are His precious childSo go outside of your own shellAnd shine through the darkness You can be who God wants you to beDon’t let other people’s opinionDictate your steps and decisionsDream big and do it for God’s glory Keep walkingDo not be afraidOther people can’t control youAs long as you won’t allow them Let go and move forwardKeep yourself away from toxic peopleExpose yourself to the lightAnd you will appreciate who you truly are

  • Poem

    Take your Time

    Keep walkingNever stop trying new thingsTake your timeAnd enjoy the journey with Him It’s okay to failIt’s okay to commit mistakesJust take your timeAnd process the lessons you learned Do not be in a hurryRemember that life is a journeySo take your timeAnd treasure your days here on earth There are so many thingsThat you need to discoverSo please don’t be pressuredWith your own plans and schedule Take your timeBuild sweet memoriesAnd your journey here on earthWill never be wasted

  • Faith

    Keep Walking because you never Know What’s Waiting for you on the Other side

    Great things are waiting for you, so don’t give up. You may not see what’s ahead, but God prepared a bright future for you. Do not focus on what went wrong. Instead, fix your eyes on the lessons and try your best to apply them. The journey may appear so challenging, but behind the obstacles are opportunities for you to become a better version of yourself. Each problem teaches you fresh revelations about God and how to deal with yourself. So make the most of your season right now. You never know what’s waiting for you on the other side. As long as you stay in the presence of God,…

  • Self Development

    If God still gives you the Grace to Live, then the Fight is not yet Over

    Today is a new beginning. God gave you the grace to live, which means you still have a purpose here on earth. You are still breathing not by accident but because He wanted you to win the battle you are facing. The fight is not yet over. So rise up, warrior of God, treat this day as a beautiful gift and an opportunity for you to overcome whatever it is that hinders you from following Him. There is more to life than the struggles that you are going through. Keep walking, and do not be discouraged. His grace will be there to sustain you. Remember that He is preparing a…