• Faith

    May Everything we do lead to God’s Glory

    Our actions are a product of what we have within us. As water reflects a man’s image, so does our mouth reflect what’s in our hearts. That is why we need to be observant of our actions. Let us be careful not to act carelessly, or we might hurt other people in our lives. Careless acts could harm us and those that are innocent. Remember that our actions speak louder than our words. Therefore, we need to be as careful as possible and evaluate ourselves. Our selves could surprise us most of the time. We could get overwhelmed when we discover that there are things that we never thought we…

  • Poem

    When you give

    Have the genuine heartTo give to the needyDo it secretlyYou don’t have to announce it Even how small it will beGod sees your motivesHe knows your heartAnd let Him reward you You are a vesselShare your blessingsGive what you canDo it for His kingdom Purify your thoughtsAlign it to HisSeek His willThen He will give you more God constantly providesSo have the heartGive it awayAnd let Him bless you

  • His Word

    Day 195 – Psalms 145:13

    Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. Psalms 145:13, NIV The Kingdom of God endures forever. He will reign no matter what happens. It means that He will fulfill His great plans. Choose to trust in Him and believe in His promises. His words are true, and He is always faithful. His love for you will never change. You may think that you are surrounded by negative things, but the power of God is moving in the midst. You can’t see it yet, but you will experience miracles and wonders…

  • His Word

    Day 39 – Psalm 9:10

    Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. psalm 9:10, NIV Keep on trusting God, and know that He will never forsake you. Seek His Kingdom first and stop focusing on the negative things that are happening around you. If you are going through so many difficulties in life, then never forget His faithfulness. He will fulfill His promises. If you truly know Him by heart, then you will stop doubting His power. Instead, you will keep your faith in Him and put Him at the center. You will depend on His great love and grace. You will follow His…

  • Faith

    God Celebrates Your Small And Simple Victories!

    You may not see the fruits behind all your efforts, but always remember that God delights in seeing you do something for His glory. He celebrates your simple victories. No matter how small it is, know that it’s always special in the eyes of God. Rejoice in every success that you experienced in life. Never take it for granted. Appreciate the things that you did because behind the celebration is the fact that you are also growing from the inside out. It may be small, but as long as you do it consistently, then sooner or later, you will see your progress. You will know that God blessed the good…

  • His Word

    Day 277 -2 Corinthians 9:6

    Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6, niv What you sow is what you also reap. Do not stop sowing in the Kingdom of God because He will continue to bless you with the things that you need. Choose to give even if you only have little because God doesn’t look at the quantity of the things you offered to Him. Instead, He looks at your heart, and He appreciates everything you do for His glory. God sees you. Know that you will soon reap the harvest from the seeds you sow. He will bless your generous…

  • His Word

    Day 185 – John 3:3

    Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3, NIV If you wanted to know what the Kingdom of God looks like, then you need to be born again. You need to renew your life and let the Holy Spirit reign inside your heart. Being born again doesn’t mean you need to change your religion, but it simply means that you need to receive the Spirit of God and transform your life. You will find it hard to dwell in the presence of God if your soul never really encountered His love. So surrender your life in…

  • His Word

    Day 36 – Philippians 3:20

    But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, Philippians 3:20,NIV Do not let the earthly things consume your mind. Remember that your citizenship is in heaven. So set your eyes on something that will last and not quickly perish. Always remember the standard of God and how He sees things. People may say that success is when you achieve earthly wealth, but then it’s different for God. For those who have a relationship with Jesus, success would mean experiencing heaven with Him. So focus on the things that will last for eternity. Allow God to use you for the expansion of His…