• His Word

    Day 272 – 2 Corinthians 5:7

    For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 corinthians 5:7,NIV If you wanted to experience the fullness of this life, then stop living according to the things you see. Learn to have faith even if you can’t see anything yet. Know that God’s promises are true, and He will fulfill all of them according to His perfect timing. When you can’t understand what’s happening in your life, choose to close your eyes and imagine that God is holding your hands and He is guiding you to the right path. Do not dwell on your feelings or the circumstances that you are facing. Know that God is preparing something beautiful…

  • Poem

    Going Through The Process

    When I encountered the love of GodI thought that life will be easierThere will be no problemsAnd joy will always reign But the truth isThere are still a lot of challengesLife will always be uncertainAnd my faith will be tested Only then, I realized thatI need to go through the processIt will take time and effortSometimes it hurts But even though it’s not easyStill, the grace of God will be with meI may not understand it for nowBut everything will make sense one day.

  • Self Development

    It Takes A Humble Heart To Accept The Painful Truths In Your Life

    Sometimes, we wanted to press the fast-forward button and skip the things that break our hearts. And sad to say, we missed out the important lessons because we chose to ignore the painful truths in our lives. If you wanted to make the most of your time here on earth, then please stop running away from the things that will set you free in the end. You may encounter pain at first, but freedom comes when you learn to have a humble heart to accept the deepest pain in your life. You need to overcome the things that cause you to feel so anxious and worried deep within. And all…

  • His Word

    Day 207 – John 14:6

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” JOHN 14:6, NIV If you wanted to be closer to God, then you need Jesus in your life. He is the only way to the Father. He will teach you how to love God, and He will purify your heart. You can also discover the whole truth in His arms. He will reveal to you the realities of life and how to deal with it. In Him, there’s always freedom because the truth will set you free from the lies of the enemies. Jesus alone will let you experience…

  • Self Development

    There Are Certain Changes In Your Life That Only You Can Make

    Personal change is a choice. Other people may encourage you to improve yourself and do something outside of your comfort zone, but no matter how much they try to motivate you, there’s nothing they can do to change yourself. Because at the end of the day, you need to personally commit to it. That important decision is something that only you can make. No one else can do it for you. So if you wanted to live a better life, then you need to make a decision. People can give you the support you need, but remember that it’s always a personal battle. You can’t let others join you because…

  • Poem

    Pain Makes Your Life Real

    You will feel brokenThere will be sadnessThe pain inside will be thereAll because you are real Robots can never feel disappointedMachines don’t have emotionsBut humans are differentWe are all special and unique You may have so many “why’s” insideYou may think that everything is falling apartBut remember that the pain you feel deep withinIs what makes you human It will teach you how to receive strengthIt will lead you to experience true loveThe wounds will teach you how to forgiveAnd it will mold you into a better person So keep on walkingDo not stop and choose to have faithIt may not be an easy thing to faceBut it only proves…

  • Self Development

    If You Feel So Burdened Inside, Remind Yourself To Look At Life Through The Eyes Of A Child

    Life can be so heavy sometimes, especially when you are already an adult. There are things that you just can’t control, and you unknowingly react negatively to some situations that you encounter. You need to handle big responsibilities. You will encounter stressful moments. You will be challenged and tested along the way. In life, there will always be burdens. And when you feel like giving up, you need to be reminded about the important things that you tend to ignore. Most of the time, an innocent child can powerfully open your eyes, and they will inspire you to live a simple life. They will remind you about the most important…

  • Poem

    God Will Always Pick You Up

    You may feel so down and broken right nowYou may face a lot of problemsBut God will raise you up again and againYou may fall down and feel the painBut He will be there to help you Life is not perfectBut God will give us enough graceso that we can make itJust keep on walkingWhen you face an obstacle along the wayAnd you find yourself so hopeless God will be there to hold your handsHe will give you enough strengthso that you can stand up againAnd when you learn to walk with HimYou will have the courage to face every storm in lifeBecause you know that when you encounter difficultiesGod…

  • Faith

    Life Is Too Short To Waste On Things That Are Just Temporary

    Sometimes, it’s hard for us to appreciate the time we have here on earth simply because we forget that our lives are just temporary. But even though it will never last, we can still gain something that we can carry even through eternity. And that’s our faith and love for God. The things of this world will fade away, but our relationship with God will always be there, and that connection alone will lead us to experience eternity with Him. Remember that your time here on earth is limited, but you can absolutely use it to gain the kind of treasure that will surely last forever. Focus on God and…

  • Poem

    This Is Just A Chapter Of Your Story

    The season that you are in right nowis just a chapter in your lifeThis is not your whole storyA lot of things happened in the pastAnd your future is yet to be told This is not yet the end of your storySo please don’t give upDon’t judge your lifeaccording to what you’ve been going through There are times when you just can’t understand yourselfYou may feel so broken on the insideBut remember that we are on a roller coaster rideSometimes, we are at the topBut there are also moments when we feel so downBut despite the doubts you have insideAlways remember that your story will not yet end Great things…