• His Word

    Day 84 – 1 John 3:14

    We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death. 1 John 3:14, NIV Loving other people is not an easy thing, simply because we are not perfect, and one way or another, we all commit mistakes. And sometimes, those mistakes can hurt others. But even though we experience some pain in life, we still need to learn how to live by simply loving others. If you wanted to treasure your time here on earth, try spending it by loving the people around you. I know it’s difficult sometimes, but it will always be worth it in…

  • Self Development

    Someday, You Will Know The Reason Why

    Hold on, you may not understand your situation right now, but you need to keep on going. Maybe, you are searching for answers to the questions that bother you all this time, but you just have to keep on pushing through. When the time is right, you will discover why you need to go through that kind of situation. Just trust and believe that everything will be okay. This life will never be perfect, and the best thing that we can do is appreciate all the blessings that we receive rather than focusing on the challenges we face in life. There is a purpose behind everything you experienced. So never…

  • Self Development

    Brave People Also Need A Helping Hand

    God did not design us to be alone. You are not created here on earth to live life on your own. Even if you think that you are strong enough to deal with life’s different challenges, you still need someone to lean on. You also need a helping hand that will pull you up when you are so down and broken. God will surround you with people who can assist you along the journey, but all you need to do is ask for help. Acknowledge to yourself that there are things in life that you cannot do on your own. I know that you’ve been through a lot and the…

  • Self Development

    Important Things In Life That You Can’t Change

    There are moments in life when we are tempted to change something or someone, but we fail to do it. Not because we didn’t try our best, it’s just there are certain truths in life that we need to face. There are instances that we can never really change. So instead of pushing things the way you wanted it to be, why not give yourself the chance to accept it?  Here are the three things you can’t change: 1. People No amount of earthly love can change anyone. So stop pushing yourself too much. If the person you love doesn’t want to change despite all the things you already sacrificed, then…

  • Poem

    The Gift Of Life

    The fact that you are still breathingis already a huge blessingSo don’t forget to be grateful for what you haveThis life may not be perfectBut it is a beautiful gift from God Every morning is a new beginningGod is giving you another chance to liveand enjoy His blessingsDo not waste your life for thingsthat will quickly perish Focus on what you have and work on itIf you wanted to make the mostof what God has given youThen you need to go out to your comfort zoneand experience breakthrough Allow God to move in your lifeStretch out yourself and use your talents and skillsYou only have one lifeAnd it’s just temporaryThat’s…

  • His Word

    Day 43 – Proverbs 12:28

    Abundant life is discovered by walking in righteousness, but holding on to your anger leads to death.  Proverbs 12:28 TPT If you want to experience this life’s fullness and God’s abundance, just do the right thing. Seek to please God and not the people around you. Sometimes, doing the right thing is very challenging, but then know that God will honor the little things you do for him. When you feel so disappointed with the people around you, then choose to do the right thing in God’s eyes. Learn to control your emotions, and do not let your anger destroy you. You are more than just a conqueror, not only…

  • Self Development

    There Are Times When You Don’t Have To Find The Answer

    We all have this season in our lives when we tend to ask deep questions based on the things that we’ve been going through. We have that strong urge to discover these mysteries for us to move on. But the truth is, there are specific questions in our lives that we can’t answer as of the moment. Instead of being stuck at the place where you are right now, try to take another step. You will learn the best response to your questions one day. You don’t have to stay there and search in the same place. Stop wasting your time finding the answer. There is so much more in…

  • Faith

    Get Up! God Still Wants You To Live

    There is more to life than the struggles you are facing right now. You may feel so tired and hopeless about your situation, but the fact that you are still breathing simply means that God wants you to live, and He has a great purpose for you. So get up! And don’t allow the difficulties you face to destroy your dreams in life. God is giving you another chance today. Go out and do something worthwhile. God still needs you to do something meaningful. You may not see it now because you are surrounded by negative things, but you will realize that He is preparing something big for you one…

  • His Word

    Day 39 – 1 Thessalonians 3:8

    Your strong faith in the Lord is like a breath of new life. 1 Thessalonians 3:8 CEV Keep the faith. You never really know the impact that you made for the people around you. Your faith simply reminds them not to give up in life.  It gives so much hope for those people who are struggling. Keep on sharing the love of God. Keep on planting the seeds, and God will water it. He will take good care of it until it springs a new life and bears a lot of fruit. You may not see the results of everything that you are doing right now, but believe that God…

  • Poem

    Your Life Here On Earth Is Temporary

    You never really know when your life will endTreasure everything that you have right nowSpend time with things that will matter Stay connected to GodBecause only Him can teach youhow to treasure this life fullyIf you will spend this life with HimYou will be fulfilled deep inside Your precious time with Him will never be wastedGod will use your life in a very powerful wayHe will bless you with joy and peace deep inside His love will cover youAnd it will be the strongest foundationin every relationship that you will haveYour life with God will never be boringYou will experience a lot of things with Him He will teach and…