• His Word

    John 15:13, NIV

    Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13, nIV Giving up our own desires for the sake of the people we love is not easy. It takes a humble and patient heart to surrender the things that we want. We need supernatural strength to do it. This is the reason why we need Jesus. His sacrifice on the cross will remind us not to think of our own desires but to honor the will of God. And it’s His desire to see us extending His love to others – even to those difficult people around us. So, when you are asked…

  • His Word

    John 15:4, NIV

    Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4, NIV You can’t bear fruit without Jesus. Remember that He is the vine. He is the source of life. You need His grace and salvation. You need His love. So don’t just live this life on your own. Maybe you think that you can independently do things outside His presence, but He alone can help you maximize the blessings that He gave. Acknowledge His sovereignty in your life, and be in a serious relationship with Him.…

  • His Word

    John 15:2, NIV

    He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:2, NIV God is looking for fruits in your life. You just can’t follow and love Him without experiencing any changes within. His children are always growing and bearing fruit for His glory. If instance, you can’t see fruits in your life. Then it’s time to take your walk with God seriously. Ask Him what you need to do so that you will experience and receive the blessings that He prepared. Look at your life and humbly surrender the things that…

  • His Word

    John 14:6 , NIV

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14: 6, NIV We can never connect to our Heavenly Father without the precious blood of Jesus. Remember that He is so holy and divine. We can’t simply come to Him just by relying on our own works. We can’t save ourselves from hell. Jesus is the only one who can heal and purify our souls. Apart from Him, we can never experience heaven. So choose to accept His love. Humbly acknowledge the truth that Jesus is the only way for us to access the Kingdom of God.…

  • Self Development

    You create your Life’s Meaning

    Please don’t allow other people to dictate your life. Remember that they can easily change their minds, and it will make no sense to chase their expectations. Instead, create your own definition with God. Move and make choices according to His principles, and you will always be guided. Your life is not only a journey of finding meaning because God already planted your purpose inside your heart. You are not to find meaning, but you are to create it. Do not pressure yourself to write a perfect one. Remember, reality is not always perfect, and it will never be. You are meant to make mistakes because you are learning and…

  • Faith

    God will teach you how to redirect your perspectives

    Your perspective is as essential as it is with breathing. Your soul breathes through it and how you will lead your life depends on it. You can empower yourself by starting with how you view things in life. It is like your soul’s eyes. That is why, how you see things will reflect your actions and words. But along the journey, God will help you. Remember, nothing is wrong with you. There are just things that you need to change for your own good. He loves you so much that He wants you to see more treasures in this life. Sometimes, God will expose us to things we cannot understand.…

  • Self Development

    When you become so Self-centered, you also become Shortsighted

    Life will give you so many challenges and obstacles. It will lead you to experience unexpected pain and heartaches, and it will push you to focus on yourself. The negative things that happened in your life became a driving force for you to protect your heart. And because you focus on yourself too much, you tend to forget the rest of the things that God entrusted to you. The unexpected twists turned out to be the reason why you always magnify your situation. There’s nothing wrong with dealing with your problems, but if you only focus on them, you won’t be able to appreciate the future that God prepared. Don’t…

  • Faith

    Let God Change You

    Change is vital in our lives. Like how the world evolves so fast, people also make haste to get along. We are all surrounded by things that affect our lives and make us continually experience changes. There are times when changes happen in your favor. You worked hard and made sacrifices. You willingly learn and humble yourself along the way and just focus on the things that will help you to be where you are right now. Because of your faith and hard work, you achieved victory and success. God may have blessed you with what you earnestly prayed for after waiting patiently and courageously overcoming difficult seasons in your…

  • Faith

    Something in your Life will Always be more Significant Than your own Desires

    To experience absolute freedom in this life, you must acknowledge the reality that there will always be something and someone more significant than you. Doing your best based on being recognized is fine, but to be the best of the best in one thing will only bring you a distraction. Being on the top will give you an ecstatic feeling that is very addicting but know that that place is replaceable. You will never be satisfied if you just have yourself on your life’s journey. If you only rely on happiness for things that you will achieve, you will not experience genuine peace and absolute joy.  Real success and victory…

  • His Word

    Day 436 – Luke 11:13

    If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:13, NIV The Holy Spirit is like a precious gift that you can receive from God. He is your guide and can give you the assurance you need. In Him, you will discover the beauty of this world despite the pain and brokenness that you experienced. He will show you miracles and wonders that your mind can’t easily comprehend. He will give you the comfort and strength that you need. So receive the Holy Spirit so…