You are Valued and Deemed Worthy beyond your Outer Form
Our physical state determines people’s first impression. We don’t walk on this planet with placards in our heads. Our outer form is the tangible part of us. When we say part, it only contributes to the entirety and not the whole itself. But the totality of you is greater than the sum of its parts. You are more significant than all of the things or qualities. Your value is more important than what you have and what you can achieve. You are beyond your outer form. You are beyond what you see in yourself and what other people see in you. On a cosmic scale, people’s impression of you touches…
Only God Can Give You The Kind Of Love That Never Fails
When we talk about love, people would somehow associate it with something sweet and delightful. But love is not just about romance. It’s deeper and wider than what other people can give to you. If you think that your life partner can satisfy the thirst in your heart, then always remember this. Only perfect love can make you whole. And no human being can give it to you. In short, you can’t find that kind of love from your partner. Only God can give you perfect love. And in Him, you will always feel fulfilled and whole. Because He will heal your wounds and replace your pain with hope. God…