• His Word

    Acts 4:3, NIV

    They seized Peter and John and, because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. Acts 4:3, NIV Jesus’ disciples, Peter and John, experienced persecution because of what they were sharing with the people. It wasn’t that easy for them to proclaim the Messiah because many people were opposed to their beliefs and faith. Because of this, they go through moments when they are seized by the authorities and put in jail. But even though it took so much risk to share the good news during their days, they still persevered. The difficulties that they experienced didn’t stop them from preaching the gospel. That’s why we…

  • Self Development

    Sometimes, Living a Fulfilled life means you Allow yourself to Experience Pain

    It’s hard to fully appreciate real joy if you didn’t go through moments of sadness. Sometimes, you need to know what it means to be in pain before you learn to value all your blessings. So if you are going through a terrible moment right now, then take it as an opportunity for you to become a better person. Don’t hide your own emotions. Acknowledge your pain and accept the truth that it’s part of the process. Life will always challenge you to go through the hard paths. And those difficult seasons are not meant to break and hurt you. But they will serve as a great reminder for you…

  • Poem

    I am here

    My child, I am here for youI’ll never leave your sideI am holding your hands I know what’s in your heartI’m listening to your prayersI’m collecting all your tears You may not always understandThe things that I am doingBut keep your faith Trust meBecause I know what’s aheadI love you so much Walk with meSurrender all your painAnd let’s enjoy this journey together In moments when you feel downJust come to my armsAnd I’ll embrace you with my love I am your FatherI will provide all your needsI will protect you My child, I am here

  • His Word

    Day 164 -Psalms 116:7

    Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalms 116:7,NIV When you feel so troubled and burdened, command this verse to your soul. Find rest in the arms of God and remember His goodness. Recall the miracles that He did in your life. Never forget the blessings that you received from Him. Reminisce those moments when He saved you from greater pain. Testify to your soul that God is faithful and His promises never fail. By this, you will learn to trust Him again and keep your faith in Him. Your heavenly Father loves you so much, so strengthen your foundation and let your…

  • His Word

    Day 130 – Psalm 86:11

    Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Pslam 86:11, NIV Let this be the cry of your heart, especially in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening in your life. Let this remind you that relying on His faithfulness is always one of the best things to do to overcome your struggles and fears. Ask God to teach you how to trust in His ways so that you will learn to humbly accept His corrections, and you may acknowledge His directions even in moments when you are not okay. Offer Him everything and give…

  • His Word

    Day 129 – Psalm 86:5

    You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Psalm 86:5,NIV God is good, and that will never change. He is forgiving and merciful. There may be moments when you forget Him, but He will stay with you. His love for you will remain. So when you feel like you are so distant from Him, then call upon His Name, and He will come inside your heart. He will show you what His grace means. In Him, you will feel so satisfied and contented. He will quench your thirst, God is your Father, and He will stay faithful to you no matter what happens.…

  • Self Development

    Let your Memory Bank be Wealthier than your Wallet

    What’s inside your memory bank? How many precious moments do you already have? May you gain enough memories that will remind you that your life here on earth is never wasted. The experiences you have with the people you love are more expensive than the earthly riches you acquire here on earth. You can always buy another property, car, or jewelry, but you can never bring back the life of the person you love. That’s why you need to treasure your moments with them while you still can. Never compromise your relationships just for the sake of gaining earthly riches. Remember that you can never bring your wealth with you…

  • Self Development

    You Will Never Really Know where your Small Steps Would Take You

    Dream big and just start small. You will feel so pressured if you keep on chasing the bigger things in life. It’s okay to have a huge goal but never underestimate the power of your small steps. You will never really know the changes that you will experience once you choose to take one step at a time. So keep on walking and don’t easily give up. Be consistent and faithful in small things, and you will slowly see changes in your life. Accept the truth that you will fail to value the big blessings if you will just receive them in an instant. Important things really take time and…

  • Poem

    The Unexpected Moments In Life

    There will always be unexpected moments in lifeYou will get tiredYou will feel downYou will be disappointedBut despite the uncertainties that will happenYou can always rely on the love of God You can rest in His armsAnd gain some strength so that you can fightDo not take your battle all aloneYou can surrender it all to GodAnd let Him fight for you When you surrender,it simply means that you will stop worryingYou will let go of things that you can’t controlAnd you will allow God to take over You are not meant to carry all of these things all alongStop putting everything on your shouldersYou can cry out to God…

  • Self Development

    Don’t Rush The Things That Are Meant To Be Enjoyed

    There are moments in life that are meant to be treasured. And you can only do it if you will learn to live in your present. Don’t focus too much on the things you want to achieve in life because you might forget to enjoy the moment. Live for today because it will only happen once and for all. You will never experience it again. Whenever you feel so impatient inside, you just need to remind yourself that if you can’t enjoy your life today, then no matter what you do, you will always find it hard to enjoy your life in the future. Happiness comes from deep within, if…