Unanswered Prayers
God is listeningRemember that His plans are greaterIf your prayers are unansweredThen God prepares something more You might not figure out nowYou might want what you dearly prayBut remember that God created youAnd He knows everything you need Do not be dismayedDo not doubt His loveWait and seeHe will prove to you He knows what you needHe will give you the bestHe don’t want you to settle for lessJust trust His process His ways are mysteriousSometimes it confuse youBut when He make His plan happensYou will realize waiting is worth it
Sometimes, God Answers Your Prayers To Make You Realize That It’s Not What You Need
Have you ever experienced that moment when you badly wanted to achieve something and cry out to God just for Him to give it? And then, the moment you receive the very thing that you’ve been praying for, you ended up feeling empty and not satisfied. You think that it will make you happy, but it didn’t. That’s when you realize that what you prayed to God is something that you don’t genuinely need. God has His own way of surprising us. He wanted us to realize something very important. Most of the time, we can’t learn it from others’ experiences because God wants to personally teach it to us.…