• Faith

    God Already Prepared What You Need

    There are moments in life when we encounter overwhelming events, and we can’t help but worry. We think that God forgets us, and we need to remind Him about the things that we need. But the truth is, God will never forget to provide you with enough blessings. He already prepared the things that you need even before you ask Him. So trust in Him ad stop relying on your own understanding. Do not be afraid of your future because your loving Father knows what you need and the perfect time for you to receive it. Just enjoy His presence and never allow the uncertainties of this world to hinder…

  • His Word

    Day 122 – Matthew 10:31

    So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:31,NIV Don’t be afraid because you are so important in the eyes of God. You may think that you can’t make it because all you see are the things that you don’t have, but always remember that God will take good care of you, and He will never abandon you. He will provide for your needs. If He could take good care of the birds in the sky, then He will surely sustain you with enough blessings. Do not rely on your own strength and ability. Rely more on the power of God in your life, and you…