• His Word

    Better Is Open Rebuke Than Hidden Love

    Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Proverbs 27:5, NIV Not everyone wants to be rebuked. It’s painful, and it kills our pride. But thank God because He openly rebukes us through His words and the things that He allows us to experience. This only means that His love is not hidden. When we receive corrections from Him or from other people, it means that we are loved beyond what we can imagine. So whenever God painfully corrects your actions, just humbly accept it and choose to thank Him. Sometimes, that’s what we need. We may think we are doing the right thing according to our understanding, but He needs…

  • His Word

    Day 301 -Proverbs 27:5

    Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Proverbs 27:5, nIV Sometimes, we experience pain when others correct us. It hurts our pride, and it breaks our hearts. But it’s better to meet someone who is honest enough to point out our mistakes that pretend as if nothing happens. A true friend will choose to say the right thing even if it hurts. So pray that God will give you a courageous heart to express your compassion and love to the people around you. It won’t be easy, especially when you know that it will temporarily hurt somebody. But open rebuke is better than hidden love. Know that when you express…