• Self Development

    You won’t Always see things in the Right Way

    There are times when your perspective doesn’t align with the principles of God. The things that you experience will lead you to create opinions that will direct your decisions in life. So instead of listening to your own voice, learn the habit of questioning your opinions. Try to ask questions to yourself that will lead you to discover the truth. Humbly admit that you don’t know everything. There are still things that you need to learn. So don’t immediately conclude about your situation. Just because you are in pain doesn’t mean you already have the right to believe in your own understanding. Yes, you need to acknowledge your emotions, but…

  • His Word

    Day 469 – Luke 23:23-24

    But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed. So Pilate decided to grant their demand. Luke 23:23-24, niV When Jesus was in front of the crowd, Pilate asked their opinion about what they wanted to do with Jesus. He chose to listen to the people rather than do what was right. Pilate was so consumed with the desire to please others rather than follow his conscience. Sometimes, we are also like Pilate. When we are challenged to fight for our faith, we tend to listen to the voices of the crowd, thinking that what they want is the right thing to do. But…

  • Self Development

    Respect other People’s Opinion

    You can’t force everyone to think like you. We are all different and unique. We see things according to the lens that we are using. And with that, you can’t expect others to follow you. So instead of trying to convince someone about your idea or perspective, why not try to listen and respect their opinions. Just like you, they also have a story behind the way they perceive things. And it’s deeper than you think. Their thoughts are shaped according to their experiences. So be patient and acknowledge the truth that we all have different views in life. That’s what makes this world diverse yet colorful. Just be rooted…