• Faith

    God’s Blessings Flow Endlessly

    God’s blessings will continue flowing in your life as long as you are still breathing. You are blessed the way He knows and loves you. Sometimes, your eyes are so focused on someone else’s life that you forget to take care of yourself. Rather than feeling envious of others, know they have been through a lot before they reached success. Don’t just see their victory but also learn from the process that they have been through. Learn how they built their courage beyond the uncertainties that they felt. Learn how they remain in their faith and hold on to God’s promises when they have all the reasons to break down.…

  • Poem

    The Ultimate Source

    Keep sharingAnd don’t be afraidGod is your ultimate sourceAnd you will never lack anything His blessings are overflowingIn Him, there is abundanceSo trust in His waysAnd keep obeying in His instruction When He says “Share what you have.”Then don’t hesitate to release what He gaveKnow that He will give you moreEven greater than what you can perceive He is the creator of this worldHe owns all the resourcesHe will give you your needsSo depend on His goodness Stop relying on your own abilitiesYou can’t live life in your ownSeek His NameTreat Him as your great provider