• Self Development

    The Thin Line Between Pity and Empathy

    When someone is going through a difficult time, you have two ways to approach their pain: with pity or with empathy. How you perceive their struggle ultimately shapes your actions toward them. At first glance, pity and empathy may seem similar. Both stem from a desire to care, and both feel like natural responses to someone else’s suffering. Both are valid emotions. However, when you examine them closely, a significant difference becomes clear. Pity occurs when you see someone’s pain as if it defines them permanently. You view their situation as hopeless, imagining that they won’t rise above it. In pity, you may feel the urge to shield them from…

  • His Word

    Great Is The Love Of God

    I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 108: 3-4, NIV Whenever you feel in pain and broken, keep this in mind: Great is the love of God. You may find it hard to describe how heavy your burden is. You may find yourself doubting God’s goodness. But remember His love. It is higher than the heavens. It’s wide and deep. His love is endless. So when you find it hard to keep moving because of the situation that you are in, then remember God’s faithfulness…

  • Faith

    I Pray That Today’s Pain Will Become Tomorrow’s Blessing

    I don’t know what will happen next. I don’t know what’s waiting for me ahead. The pain of the present tries to whisper that tomorrow will be the same. The wounds would try to tempt me to think that there’s no hope left. But for sure, this is only temporary. The time will come when things will be better. But until then, my Lord, this is the cry of my heart: Please give me the reason to believe in your promises. Please teach me how to hold on to my faith. There are just times when I feel so tired and exhausted. I want to quit. And I wanted to…

  • His Word

    The Word of God

    Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Proverbs 30: 5, NIV If you are in the middle of a very dark season, and you can’t seem to find the light, come to God and take refuge in His word. You are not alone. God is speaking to you. Open your Bible and let His word penetrate your soul. His word is pure, and it has no error. So, if you think that what God is saying is not true in your life, then keep your faith and believe that His promises will come to pass. Whatever happens, the flawless word…

  • Faith

    You Have A Father Who Deeply Loves You

    If you are one of those people who grew up in a fatherless home, then keep this in mind: “You have a Father who deeply loves you.” The pain that you feel from your earthly father may somehow hinder you from trusting others, but keep in mind that you have a Heavenly Father who will always be there for you. You can trust Him. He will never abandon you, or make you feel alone. He will continue to do good things in your life, and He will take good care of you. So don’t just live this life on your own, remember God, for He is there with you. Surrender…

  • Faith,  Love

    Why does it feel like Pain is always a bad thing

    Enemies of pain, haters of wounds, lovers of joy, and obsessed with pleasure. I somehow have this idea that pain is always a bad thing. Maybe because growing up, I find my loved ones protecting me from it. It’s something I shouldn’t experience at all like it’s an enemy that I should avoid. And because of this mindset, every time I feel in pain, I feel like I’m on the wrong road. I feel like I did something wrong. And I need to correct it immediately. Yes, there are instances that pain is a signal that something is indeed wrong, but at the same time, there are moments when you…

  • Faith

    You Will Stop Seeking Validation From The Outside If You Know Who You Are On The Inside

    Those who don’t know who they truly are will seek validation from the people around them. They will find themselves looking for the approval of others, and they will ultimately feel exhausted simply because they can’t please everyone. This is why it’s very important to work on your core so that you won’t be easily shaken. If you don’t have a strong foundation, other people will easily dictate your identity, or perhaps the situation around you will become your driving force. Instead of standing on solid ground and living in your core values, you will find yourself following the principles of this world. This will then lead you to a…

  • His Word

    God is Just

    My whole being will exclaim, “Who is like you, Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.” Psalm 35:10, NIV God is moving even when you can’t see Him. Many times, we witness injustices around us. People tend to use their power to exploit certain resources for their own gain. They took the shortcut and eagerly received the things that they wanted. They forget the rights of other people and think of their selfish gains. If you experience unfavorable situations that make you feel like God is not there. Then, this verse will remind you what’s in His…

  • Faith

    When Your Purpose Is Stronger Than Your Pain

    Life is unpredictable, and we often find ourselves in the grip of pain that seems insurmountable. Yet, in these moments of brokenness, our faith and character are tested. It’s in these times that the purpose God has instilled in our hearts becomes a powerful force, guiding us through the storm. When you know why you are here on earth and firmly believe that God wants you to fulfill His purpose, you will have the strength you need. Your purpose is your anchor. It will help you stay rooted no matter what problems or pain you face. Your purpose will serve as your compass, always leading you back on track. This…

  • Faith

    The Gifts of Pain

    Nobody wants to experience pain in life. Most of us want to protect our hearts from it. But even though it’s not easy to deal with it, there are beautiful gifts behind every wound. 1. Pain will teach us important lessons in life. Sometimes, we need to experience it so that our eyes will be opened to the things we ignore. Perhaps God had already given us warnings all along the way, but then we chose to follow our own understanding. That’s why, we end up hurting. At some point, we need to humbly receive the consequences of our decisions so that we will learn. 2. Pain will keep us…