• Faith

    When the burden is too heavy, Come to God and Cry it out to Him

    Sometimes, the best thing to do is just to cry. People may think that you are weak and so vulnerable, but your tears have the power to purify your soul. Pour them out to God and tell Him everything. He knows the background story. You don’t even have to explain everything. He knows the reasons behind your tears. And even before you want to defend yourself in the presence of God, He is already fighting with you. Even before the very first drop of tears came out in your weary eyes, your loving Father is already doing some miracles behind the scene. He is sending His angels to comfort and…

  • His Word

    Day 405 – Luke 6: 27

    But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Luke 6:27, NIV We all face difficult people in our lives. There will be moments when we encounter painful words from them. Sometimes, they will do things that will break our hearts. But even if we are hurting inside, Jesus still commanded us to love them by doing good deeds in response to their actions. It’s not an easy thing to do, especially when we remember their mistakes, but know that the Holy Spirit will give us the strength that we need. Let’s continue to spread kindness in this world full of…

  • Poem

    Mind Pollution

    Negative informationPainful WordsAll these thingsCan cause mind pollution So guard your thoughtsExpose yourself to God’s wordFill your mind with His wisdomSo that you won’t be easily tempted Your decisionsAnd the status of your lifeMatters on how you thinkAnd the way you do things So surrender your own thoughts to GodAllow Him to change youLet Him purify your soulSo that you will know what to do next Choose the people who can influence youBeware of misleading informationFix your eyes on GodSo that you will always be guided

  • Self Development

    To those who Always Receive Painful words from the People they Love

    I may not know the status of your heart right now. You may feel in pain because of the things that you experienced. But always remember that only God knows your true identity. The people around you don’t have any idea about the things that you are going through. They may release painful words that truly break your heart, but remember that nobody can destroy you as long as you choose to listen to God. You are His child, and He knows you from the inside out. So focus on Him and just surrender what you feel in His presence. He will heal your heart and give you the courage…