You Can’t Go Back And Change The Past
We can never bring back the situations in our past. That’s why we need to move forward in life. You may have regrets inside, but you can no longer turn back and change what happened. I know that it hurts and until now, you are still fighting some battles inside. But it’s time for you to trust God along the process. You may have heartbreaking experiences before but believe that God can make things beautiful in His time. Instead of trying to go back and make things right, just do your best in the present and work on the things that you can still change today. The past will always…
Important Things In Life That You Can’t Change
There are moments in life when we are tempted to change something or someone, but we fail to do it. Not because we didn’t try our best, it’s just there are certain truths in life that we need to face. There are instances that we can never really change. So instead of pushing things the way you wanted it to be, why not give yourself the chance to accept it? Here are the three things you can’t change: 1. People No amount of earthly love can change anyone. So stop pushing yourself too much. If the person you love doesn’t want to change despite all the things you already sacrificed, then…
Face Your Past So That You Will Know How To Deal With Your Future
Our memories will either give us the courage to move forward or hinder us from pursuing our dreams in our lives. Our painful experiences are like chains that trap us to do the things we wanted to do. It creates fear deep inside, and it will stop us from experiencing breakthroughs. That’s why we need to face it before we move forward. Because whether we like it or not, it will always come back, and it will never stop hunting us. It’s very difficult to do it, but always remember that if you do not deal with the roots, you will always experience the same problem over and over again.…