• His Word

    Day 245 – Romans 8:24-25

    For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:24-25 Hope exists because we choose to believe even if we can’t see anything yet. Let’s patiently wait on the promises of God and remember that He is faithful enough to fulfill what He has promised. Keep your hopes up, and know that your faith will never be in vain. What’s happening around may be different from what you prayed for, but always remember that God is listening to…

  • Faith

    God Picked Me Up When My Heart Was Torn Apart

    I don’t know where I would be without God in my life. I thought that having the things that I want will make me feel secured and safe, but then, the fact that I can never control the things that are happening around me made me realize that pain is inevitable. One way or another, I will encounter devastating moments in my life, problems will be there, and it will test my faith. But the moment I personally went through brokenness, God’s love was there to comfort me. He picked me up when my heart was torn apart. He gives me strength and enough courage so that I can rise…

  • Poem

    The Great Plans of God

    The plans of God are greater thanwhat you’ve been going throughSo learn to endure and be patientYou may suffer right nowBut God is just preparing you Sometimes, we are tempted to give upSimply because we focus on our situationLook unto God and set your eyes in HimYour mind can never comprehend the great blessingsthat He prepared for youSo keep on walking in His presenceLearn to persevere even in times of hardships Receive the promises of God in your lifeRemember that He wants you to prosperHe will give you hopeSo hold on unto His loveIf you think that you can’t make itThen remind yourself about the desires of God in your…

  • Poem

    Do This While Waiting

    It’s not about how long you waitBut it’s about the things that you are doing while waitingGod is not concerned about the timeBut He focuses on your growth God wants to build your faithSo that you will be able to properly handle His blessingsHe wants to build your enduranceSo that you will have enough strength to face the challenges Your waiting season will teach you something importantIt will teach you to persevere and be patientIt will help you grow and become a better personGod moves according to His own purposeHe knows what He is doingAnd He is aware of the things that you truly need So while waitingMake use of…

  • Faith

    God Is So Patient With You Simply Because He Loves You So Much

    We all commit mistakes in life. There are moments when we tend to do things that are not pleasing in the eyes of God. We follow our own decisions, not knowing that it will just lead us to brokenness. And when we feel so devastated inside, that’s when we will be able to think of God. We come to Him in prayer and ask for help, hoping that He will rescue us from the situation that caused us to experience greater pain. We humbly come to His presence when things are so messed up. But even though we fail to include Him in our decisions, God never condemns us. Instead,…

  • His Word

    Day 116- Matthew 3:8

    Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Matthew 3:8, NIV If you think that God already forgave you, then allow Him to mold and prune you so that you will produce fruit. This kind of fruit is something that people can’t buy. It will always last for a lifetime, and it will please God. Do good things to others, and you will receive good things in life. Make the most of what you have here on earth by glorifying God in everything that you do. Share the blessings that you have to others. Make use of your talents and skills to honor the name of the Lord. Learn new things so…

  • His Word

    Day 106- Proverbs 14:17

    An impulsive person has a short fuse and can ruin everything, but the wise show self-control. Proverbs 14:17, TPT Do not be in a hurry. Think before you make any decisions in life. Sometimes, we wanted to make things happen instantly, and we forget the important matters that we need to consider. So before everything else is too late, take your time to think and always consult God. Be wise, and try to control yourself. Maybe you are just occupied with emotions that you make decisions based on what you feel. Try to sort things out and trust in God’s perfect timing. Seek His word and ask for some advice…

  • Self Development

    Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

    You are just a human. I’m not saying that you can’t do extraordinary things in life but it’s just there are moments when you need to take some rest. You are not a machine. Please don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s okay to commit mistakes. Nobody is perfect. So learn to accept the things that you can’t change. Give yourself some time to think and sort things out. Don’t allow your emotions to consume you. I know that you just feel scared on the inside because maybe you think that if you don’t do your best, you might lose everything. But if you already feel so tired, then learn…

  • Poem

    Managing your Expectations

    Learn to manage your own expectationsAnd let God change the way you thinkIf you can’t properly manage your own expectation,It might hurt you in the end Sometimes, there is pain because the people around youNever did the things that you want them to doIn short, they fail to reach your expectationsThat’s why you end up so brokenBecause you are expecting them to do something for you Allow God to change your perspective this timeIf you wanted to protect yourself from painThen learn to expect more from GodAnd stop putting high standards on the people around you Accept the fact that we are not perfectAnd we sometimes commit mistakesOnly God has…

  • Self Development

    Take It Easy, Don’t Be In A Hurry

    Embrace the process and stop rushing things. Relax, and don’t be in a hurry. You will get there. We tend to miss the important things in life the moment we follow our own timeline. So treasure your season right now and make the most of it. Live in the present and appreciate all the blessings that God poured out for you. Stop focusing on your future. It’s okay to have plans, but please don’t allow yourself to entirely depend on it because things may not go according to what you have in mind. So instead of trusting on your own understanding, why not trust in God’s perfect timing? Rushing things…