• Poem

    I Will Wait

    Father, I will waitI will wait until you say “yes”I will wait until you say “go” I already have too much of it LordI can’t manage to handle the painif I continue to do it with myself I know this time around Lord,You will never leave meI know that you alone can make everything newSo I will choose to wait on your promises to come true Father, forgive meBecause I forgot to consult you with my decisions in lifeForgive me for those timeswhen I tend to neglect you Lord I’m so sorry for not prioritizing youI thought that I am all alone in this battleI felt that I need to…

  • Faith

    God Can Do So Much More If You Are Just Willing To Wait

    Our patience will really matter at the end of the day. God can still do a lot of things in our lives. But sometimes, we tend to rush things, and we fail to experience the beautiful plans of God because we rely on our own understanding more than we trust in His ways. We somehow forget the great power of God, and we just follow our own timeline. There is so much more in this life, God designed a wonderful future for you. But the question is, “Are you willing to wait?”. God’s ways are always mysterious. And most of the time, we can’t understand the things that are happening…

  • Self Development

    Real Change Takes A Long Process

    There is no such thing as instant growth. If you wanted to experience lasting change, then you need to go through the process. Sometimes, it’s going to be tough. You will face the most challenging part of your past. But rest assured that everything is going to be worth it. If you are just patient enough to learn the lessons that you need to know along the way, you will experience a beautiful journey. Do not rush the process. Enjoy every moment of your life. Cherish every season because it will give you a lot of memorable lessons. Do not be in a hurry. You can always pause and rest…

  • Poem

    Trust in God’s perfect timing

    It takes timeSo please waitIt takes more experienceThat’s why you need to be patient Don’t be in a hurryEnjoy the processBecause you will never come backYou will never be in the same place and same time again There’s something important that you need to learnThat’s why don’t push things too muchBecause maybe God wants us to discover a better perspective about lifeAbout the people around us God wants us to grow and prosperBut we need to walk with HimWe need to spend our journey with HimWe need to listen to His voiceWe need to be sensitive to His presence He has His own timelineAnd sometimes He works in ways we…

  • Faith

    There Is No Such Thing As “Too Late” If It’s God’s Perfect Timing

    Don’t rush yourself too much. You will reach it. Relax and enjoy the process. The world may pressure you with many things, but always remember that there’s perfect timing for everything. Sometimes it’s not about the destination, but it’s more on your journey while reaching the dreams you have in mind. It may take too long, but know that it will come to pass. Just learn to be patient. Stop comparing yourself to others. Their timelines are very different than yours. God designed a unique journey only for you. He is your creator, and He knows what you truly need. So trust God more than your own efforts. Don’t be…