• His Word

    Believe in the Goodness of God

    I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalms 27:13, NKJV One thing that greatly helped David, especially in seasons of difficulties, was to believe in God’s goodness. He would have lost heart, but he kept reminding himself that God was good despite everything he was going through. Many times, we also go through seasons when we want to give up. We experience moments of loss or pain, and we can’t help but think that God doesn’t care. In this verse, we are reminded that one of the things that would help us hold…

  • His Word

    Peace Is Available As Long As We Are Willing To Trust And Surrender

    The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Acts 12: 6, NIV Peter was arrested after King Herod killed James. This was the night before Herod would bring him to trial. This means that this night could be Peter’s last night before his death. He only had hours to live. If you were in Peter’s situation, What would you feel? If you happen to realize that tomorrow is going to be your last day on earth, what would you do? Most of us would’ve probably done something apart from sleeping. Perhaps…

  • You Will Never Be Alone This Year
    Faith,  Self Development

    “You Will Never Be Alone This Year.”

    Unexpected things may happen, and life may give you a lot of twists and turns this year, but one thing is for sure: YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE. There may be people who will say goodbye, or perhaps you may walk along a different path and be in a new environment. There may be a lot of adjustments, but you will never be alone. Your tears may fall, and there may be sorrows. But you will never go through the pain on your own. Life may not be that sweet and promising this year, but trust that your heart will keep on beating. You will rise no matter how hard…

  • Self Development

    Rest is an Important Ingredient in making a Wise Decision

    It’s not good to make decisions when you experience extreme emotions. Too much sadness or pain will only lead you to focus on poor choices simply because you will try to avoid any factors that will break your heart in the end. You will unknowingly neglect the important matters because you focus too much on the deep wounds within. On the other hand, too much excitement and joy will also lead you to make choices that will put you at risk. Simply because you won’t be able to identify the consequences of your actions. When you are so happy, and your eyes are all set on the things you want…

  • His Word

    Acts 17:28, NIV

    For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ Acts 17: 28, NIV God is the ultimate reason why we are here. In Him, we live and move and have our being. He is the source of everything. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He orchestrated the path that He wanted us to take. In Him, we breathe and experience life that no one else can give. In Him, we find peace that surpasses our own understanding. In Him, we are loved, we are chosen, and we are set free. We are…

  • His Word

    John 16:33, NIV

    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33, NIV Jesus didn’t promise us a comfortable life. In fact, He said to His disciples that they would face tribulations. They will go through pain and suffering. They will experience problems and persecution, but despite these things, Jesus gives them the courage to keep going. He has overcome this world. Meaning to say, the enemy no longer has the power to trap us in His schemes as long as we have Jesus in our hearts. He is the One…

  • Self Development

    The Lies that you Believe in will Hinder you from experiencing God’s Peace

    You will carry overwhelming guilt the moment you choose to live a life that’s full of lies. You won’t be able to appreciate the things that God is doing because you listen to the voice of the enemy. Maybe you unknowingly committed so many mistakes because all this time, you can’t face the truths in your life. It may appear so heartbreaking, but please don’t live in the darkness. You can never experience love if you keep on doing the things that will kill your conscience. Pause for a while, listen to the still, small voice inside your heart, and do the right thing. That’s the only way for you…

  • His Word

    John 14:27, NIV

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27, NIV You may go through unexpected events in life, but don’t let your hearts be troubled. Jesus already gave you the peace that you need. You just have to open your heart and receive it. You can take charge of your situation no matter how difficult it is. You can’t focus on God and allow His to take over. Do not be afraid. Your problems may appear big, but God is more powerful. Keep your faith…

  • Self Development

    You can still receive Peace even If you don’t know what’s Ahead

    God can give you the peace that you need. He alone can pacify your troubled heart. Remember that He created you. That’s why He is aware of the things that you need in order for you to feel calm. So when you are not okay, and your mind can’t stop thinking about what tomorrow brings, then call upon God. Ask for His help, and He will be in the midst. He will give you the assurance that you need. Maybe you can’t live in peace because you chose to listen to the lies of the enemy. You no longer hear the voice of God because you allow your emotions to…

  • Self Development

    Surrender the Things you Badly Wanted to Control

    God knows you better than you know yourself. You may badly desire something to happen in your life, and you can’t help but always think about it, but if you want to receive the best, then choose to surrender. You may have your own timeline, but God knows what you truly need. Surrender the desire to control the things that you long to experience and let the creator of this world take good care of you. He knows what’s ahead. Surrender the pen to Him, and let Him lead you to the path that He orchestrated. You can’t simply rely on your own understanding. There are still things that you…