• His Word

    Worship In The Midst Of Suffering

    About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16: 25:26, NIV Paul and Silas were suffering in prison when they experienced a supernatural move from God. In the midst of discomfort and darkness, they chose to pray and worship God. They didn’t focus on the negative things that they went through. Instead, they set their eyes on Him and chose to praise Him. What they did became a source…

  • Faith

    Worship won’t always Solve the Problem, but it gives you so much Peace and Courage

    You can never control the circumstances that you will experience. You never really know what lies ahead. Sometimes, life will throw challenges that are too heavy to carry. But you need to remember that God will always give you remedy. His grace is always accessible, and most of the time, you will be more sensitive to His moving the moment you raise your hands in worship. Sing praises to His name and surrender all your worries and cares. Lift up His name despite the pain that you are carrying. You may not always receive the solution to your problems, but rest assured that God will give you the peace and…

  • Faith

    Always Praise God no matter what Situation you are In

    It is hard to bring our hearts to God when burdens become too heavy for us to carry. It becomes so hard for us to utter a word or two when all we can do is cry. There will be times in our lives when our burden becomes so overwhelming. We get lost and feel so broken as we do not know how to remove ourselves from a very uncomfortable and heavy feeling. Yet, one thing that stays with us is the greatness of God, even in the most unexpected things in life.  Yes, He is still tremendous and mighty even though our situation bothers us so much. Let us…

  • His Word

    Day 416 – Luke 7:16

    They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people. Luke 7:16, NIV This happened when Jesus brought a dead man to life. After such a miracle, the people were in awe of what they experienced and couldn’t help but praise Him. Because of what Jesus did, they realized that God had come to help His people. You see, He is concerned for our welfare. God cares for us more than we care for ourselves. So if you think that God has forgotten you, then let this verse remind you to stay connected to Him.…

  • Poem

    Nothing but His Blood

    He made me wholeHe healed my woundsHe washed my sinsHe gave me the reason to live And it’s not because of the words I saidNor the sacrifices I madeIt’s all because of His loveIt’s all because of His grace Nothing else is powerfulNothing but His bloodHe alone deserves the honorHe is worthy of all praise He is the air that I breatheThe water that quenched my thirstHe is the only OneWho fills my empty heart with meaning

  • Faith

    Express yourself freely to Him, and find comfort in His message

    You are strong, but you can be vulnerable too. You can’t avoid sadness and loneliness. You become so defenseless in unseen battles, enemies, and temptations. You become so clueless about what to do, tired of deciding what to say, or burdened enough to carry more load on your back. Sometimes, we are so anxious and uncomfortable with being one that we choose to express it in ways to relieve ourselves. When we feel too much weight, we sometimes alleviate our situations through a task that diverts our attention. When we do so, we unconsciously carry our burdens on the inside, Everything is slowly building up and just waiting to explode…

  • Faith,  Self Development

    Declare it often, even when you don’t know what’s happening

    We can undeniably tell how unpredictable things are. We visualize our visions, plan great things, and even sort our own future. The itineraries of how our tomorrow would turn out to how we carve by our own self-written destiny. We work hard, make a sacrifice, cry and break until we build ourselves again. Of course, these things are easier said than done. But their in-betweens are our image of how we fail and are shattered from something that brought us more profound than our tears.   Humans as we are, we tremble in our own knees when things don’t happen the way we planned them to be. But please do remember…

  • His Word

    Day 200 – Psalms 150: 6

    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalms 150:6, NIV When you are weary and down, choose to lift your hands and praise God. Worship His name and remind your soul that He is greater than the problems you face. Glorify Him in everything that you do, and never forget His goodness. Recall the miracles He did in your life and hold on to His promises. Know that He is faithful and worthy to be praised. As long as you are still breathing, it means that God is giving you the chance to magnify His name. Turn your worries and negative emotions into a hymn of…

  • Faith

    I’ll Raise my hands because God helped me Stand

    I know that I will never be here without God. He is the reason why I am still alive. There are days when I want to give up and leave everything behind, but He never fails to remind me who I am in His eyes. I saw myself as a failure. Every time I commit mistakes, I can’t help but feel so frustrated and disappointed about what I did. I blame myself for everything that happened to me. That’s why, when I encounter problems, I tend to carry so many regrets and pain. But little did I know, God was already moving. While I was crying in silence, He was…

  • His Word

    Day 148 – Psalm 100:4

    Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. Psalm 100:4, NIV Remember the good things that God did in your life this Christmas season. Recall those blessings that you received from Him even in moments when you are struggling. Enter His gates with thanksgiving. He sustained you all throughout the year. Things may not always go according to your plans, but choose to be grateful for what He did in your life. Praise His name. Remember His goodness. He provided for what you needed. He never fails to sustain you with His grace. So glorify the name of the Lord.…