Day 328 – Psalm141:2
May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141:2, NIV Keep praying to God and submit to Him all your worries and cares. Share to Him everything that’s bothering you. Know that your precious time with Him is like incense on His throne. So continue to lift up your hands even when you feel weary and tired. Surrender all your cares and worries, for He knows the perfect path that you need to take. He is listening to the cries of your heart. He knows all your struggles, and He is aware of your deepest wounds.…
You can Earn back your Money but not your Precious Time
Please never forget that the time you have right now is not yours. It’s just a gift. You can never take it back. It’s precious than the wealth that you can acquire here on earth. So learn to manage the remaining time that you have. Yes, you need to work and earn money for the sake of those people who are depending on you but learn to manage your time. Create more memories with the people you love. If you are already a parent, then spend more time with your kids. Remember that they are growing, and you can never take back those precious moments that you missed. At the…