• Faith

    Heaven is not the Goal

    Sometimes, we are so obsessed with heaven that we no longer remember the reason why it even exists in the first place. We are too caught up in finding the perfect place where we can find rest and peace. It became a goal that we needed to reach. It’s like looking forward to the reward and just forgetting about the purpose of why that reward even exists. We do things because we want to live there and not because we want to be with the Creator Himself. Heaven is not the goal. It’s just a manifestation of your relationship with God. So try to ask yourself: Why do you want…

  • His Word

    Day 76 – Psalm 36:7

    How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7, NIV You may acquire great wealth in this world. You may travel to different places and do the things that you want to do, but the most priceless and precious thing that you could ever acquire here on earth is the unfailing love of God. It’s greater than all your success and accomplishments. When you receive it, you will realize that there’s nothing else that you could’ve asked for. His love alone can satisfy the emptiness that you feel inside. In Him, you will be protected. You will learn to take…