• Self Development

    You won’t Always see things in the Right Way

    There are times when your perspective doesn’t align with the principles of God. The things that you experience will lead you to create opinions that will direct your decisions in life. So instead of listening to your own voice, learn the habit of questioning your opinions. Try to ask questions to yourself that will lead you to discover the truth. Humbly admit that you don’t know everything. There are still things that you need to learn. So don’t immediately conclude about your situation. Just because you are in pain doesn’t mean you already have the right to believe in your own understanding. Yes, you need to acknowledge your emotions, but…

  • Faith

    Connect to God and Make it a Daily Habit

    A relationship will not grow without proper communication. Just like what you experience with your family and friends, you will find yourself disconnected the moment you stop spending time with God. It’s something that you need to work on. If you want a close bond with God, then connect to Him every single day and make it a habit. Don’t start your daily routines without talking to Him. Do it not just to glorify God, but it’s for your own good. When you treat Him as the center of your life, you will see His blessings, and you will find yourself prepared for whatever comes your way. It’s because you…

  • His Word

    Day 117 – Matthew 4:4

    Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ Matthew 4:4, NIV Do not forget to read your Bible every day. If your physical body needs food to survive, then the spiritual aspect of your life also needs the word of God so that you will live. Do not rely on the inspirational content you will just read while scrolling in social media. Instead, you need to open your Bible so that you will learn the important things that God wants you to remember. Have a daily devotional so that you will always be guided about…