• Faith

    Focus on Eternal Things

    This world is broken. There will be times when we experience pain and problems, and there will be unfair situations along the way. This is why we need to set our eyes on eternal things. If we just focus on the situations of this world, we will easily lose hope and feel disappointed. The negative things around us will consume our souls, and living a fulfilled life will be impossible. When we also fix our eyes on the temporary things of this world, we will no longer consider the eternal consequences of our choices. We will live as if our life ends after death. We will try to do the…

  • His Word

    Romans 2:5, NIV

    But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. Romans 2: 5, NIV One day, God will execute His righteous judgment. Yes, He is a good God, and He desires all of us to be saved, but He is also a Holy God. He hates sin because it keeps us away from Him. It’s like a poison that slowly kills our souls. That’s why we need to surrender everything in His presence and repent. But then, there are days when we are so stubborn. We keep on following our own…