• His Word

    Day 317- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

    Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV Let’s stay awake and encourage each other to remain in our faith. If you are surrounded by weary and broken people, then allow the light of God to shine in your life by reminding them to stay on track. Share your personal testimony and let them see the blessings they fail to appreciate. Try to build them up and tell them about the everlasting hope that we can find in Jesus. We can never survive this life on our own. No man is an island. We need each other’s lives.…

  • Poem

    The Words That Healed My Heart

    “I will stay”“I will remain faithful”“I will keep you safe”These are the promises that increased my faith “I am your Father”“You are my beloved”“I will hold your hands”These are the words that made me feel whole “You are not alone”“I will fight this battle with you”“I will carry you through”These are the phrases that give me strength “I love you with all my heart”“I will never leave your side”“I am always here for you”These are the words that healed my heart