• Self Development

    You can never move Forward if you allow your Regrets to consume your Thoughts

    Turn your regrets into lessons and then choose to move forward. Forgive yourself and remember that you are just a human. You are not perfect. It means that you will commit mistakes along the way. You will discover things that are painful, and you will go through so many adjustments in life. God will take you to different seasons. He will let you experience new things, and you will find yourself struggling. These are all part of the long journey. You are not meant to treat every detour as your destination. Sometimes, you need to look beyond what you experienced. You need to widen your perspective and focus on what…

  • Faith,  Self Development

    Allow God to let you Grow in Places He’ll Put You

    Don’t stuff yourself in a place that is too small for you. Don’t force yourself to fit into a position too tight. It would delay your growth. Sometimes, God allows us to choose to let go of things that aren’t for us anymore. It may be because He knows that you’ve grown there already, and you are to be plotted once again in places that will help you develop more. So let God uproot you and allow yourself also to let go. When we are so used to one thing, we sometimes see ourselves settling in as we find comfort there. But if we want to grow, the journey itself…

  • His Word

    Day 79 – Psalm 37:21

    The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously Psalm 37:21,NIV Continue to share your blessings. Do it not just to help others but also to glorify God. When you give out of pure heart, you will also receive even more. God will bless those people who choose to serve and help others despite all the hardships they are also going through. Others may not see your problems and struggles. Still, God appreciates you, especially when you give yourself away even though you are having a hard time. He sees your heart. So continue to please His name. One day, the blessings you shared will come back…

  • Poem

    A Story to Tell

    Every person has a story to tellThey all have their own version of painThey also go through brokennessAnd there are timesWhen they feel devastated Nobody is perfectNo matter how jolly or happyA person may beAt some point in their livesThey also shed painful tearsAnd they cry out in the darkness So even if you thinkThat what other people did is unreasonableEven if you find it hard to understand themPlease never make decisionsThat you will regret in the end Do not do anything out of what you feelJust release it all to GodAnd He will teach you how to love themYou will only appreciate a personWhen you hear their storiesAnd when…

  • Poem

    They just Don’t Know

    You are strugglingYou are in painYou are going through problemsBut people don’t have any clue You struggle with negative thoughtsYou face so many doubtsYou wanted to receive healingBut they just don’t know about it So do not listenTo the painful words that people saidFix your eyes on GodAnd He will teach you how to love them Focus on His goodnessAnd you will find hope in HimReceive His graceAnd you will experience healing People may not knowThe real status of your heartBut God sees youAnd He will fill you with His love

  • His Word

    Day 133 – Matthew 20:28

    Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many Matthew 20:28, NIV Jesus came here on earth to show what it means to serve other people. And just like what He did, we are also called to serve our brothers and sisters. You may find it challenging to help other people especially when they can’t appreciate the things that you did for them, but do everything for the glory of God. He knows your heart and He acknowledge all the effort the you exerted just to serve the people around you. Be humble and…