• Faith

    When You Find It Hard To Ask For Help

    Are you going through something difficult right now, and you find it hard to ask for help? It’s clear that you need someone who will listen to you, but you just don’t have the courage to do it. Perhaps you tried reaching out before, but no one really stayed with you, and that pain created fear in your heart. From then on, you kept everything on your own, thinking that life is much better if you hide the deepest wounds in your heart. But then, they are just days when you want to express everything. They are just instances when you really want to pour out the heavy burdens in…

  • His Word

    Romans 12:15, NIV

    Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15, NIV Sometimes, it’s difficult to rejoice with those who rejoice when you are carrying heavy burdens inside. When you are still going through the healing process and you are trying your best to survive. On the other hand, it’s also not easy to mourn when your heart is experiencing victories and breakthroughs. But God reminds us to be considerate of other people’s feelings. Let’s not just focus on ourselves. Instead, we need to learn how to serve others despite the difficulties that we are facing. We need to carry our cross and show others who Jesus is. It…