• His Word

    Acts 20:28, NIV

    Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with His own blood. Acts 20:28, NIV This is what Paul said to the Ephesians leaders as he leaves them and go to another place to preach the gospel. He carefully reminded them to keep watch over themselves. He knows that things won’t be easy. Following Jesus will require sacrifices that will test and help your faith grow. That’s why, He is telling them to take good care of the flock that the Holy Spirit entrusted to them. Let this also be a…

  • Faith

    Sometimes, the Right Choices Lead you to Rough Roads

    You have the power to choose which path to take in your life. You have control over your fate. However, there are times when the situation will test how you will weigh things. But the great thing is that you have the freedom to choose. Give some time to understand the problem. Think of the risks and possible consequences first. Do not let your emotions dictate you. Base your decisions objectively, for they could affect you more than you think. It could affect your loved ones and essential people in your life. Sometimes you will be tempted to take the most accessible way just to escape a complicated situation. But…