• Faith

    Time will come when you will no Longer Remember the Pain

    You may not understand the things that are going on in your heart right now, but always remember that time will come when you will no longer remember the pain. Instead, you will recall the past and the great blessings that God poured out for you despite all the difficulties you’ve been through. You will overcome what you are facing right now as long as you stay with God. Let Him heal your heart, and He will be the one who will lead you back to the journey that He prepared for you all this time. Come to Him, and He will take good care of you. His love will…

  • Poem

    Time is Not your Healer

    Time doesn’t heal the wounds insideIf you think that you will forget the pain as time pass byThen you need to face the truth that it will always stayEven if it takes how many years The pain will always be thereYou may not see the person anymoreBut the moment you remember what happenedThe pain will come backand it will slowly destroy your life So instead of running awayfrom the things that break your heartThe best that you can do is to face it even if it’s hardYou can start by acknowledging your emotionsAdmit that what happened before really breaks your heartAnd then after that, surrender everything to GodShare to Him…

  • Poem

    God Will Finish What He Started

    He will not disappear out of the blueAnd just leave us hangingHe will not abandon usin the middle of nowhere He will not forget His promisesGod is still doing something right nowHe will continue whatever it isthat He started in your life Trust that God is faithfulHe will fulfill His promisesin the right timeSo wait for Him to moveAnd never stop praying If God started a very important thing in your lifeThen He would probably finish itin His perfect timingHe is working in wayswe cannot comprehend We may not see the improvements sometimesBut we need to keep on believingthat something good will happenIf God already started to introduce His love…

  • Poem

    Your Relationship With God

    A relationship will never workif only one person is involvedIt takes the two of you to work it out together The same goes for our relationship with GodYes, He pursues us with His great loveBut we also need to take some timeto communicate to HimWe also need to open our heartsSo that His love can come in Your relationship with God needs to be intentionalIf God is holding our hands all this timeThen we also need to hold on to HimHe doesn’t want to force usHe will just wait for usUntil we are ready to accept Him in our lives If you wanted to make your relationship with God more…