• Faith,  Self Development

    I’d rather take the Pain than live Life without Real Joy and Love within

    I thought a happy life meant living without pain and problems. I thought it was about protecting yourself from potential heartaches. You see, wounds are scary. They can traumatize you and lead you to misery. It’s not good. Period. This was my mindset before, and because I was full of fear within, the pain became my number one enemy. I tried to live life protecting myself from the things that could possibly break me in the end. I was like a tiny house built on a very weak foundation. My roof was made of leaves, my windows were wide open because of the wounds, and I don’t have any doors…

  • His Word

    Day 270 – Proverbs 25:28

    Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.  Proverbs 25:28, NIV Pray that God will teach you how to control yourself. You may think that what you feel inside is impossible to control, but know that God gave you the freedom to make decisions. You are not a robot. You have the power to protect yourself from some of the things that will break your heart. There are situations that you can’t stop but most of the negative things that happened in our lives are because of our selfish desires. They are just merely consequences of our decisions. So before the worst things happen,…

  • Poem

    Walls around your Heart

    You tried to loveYou give yourself awayHoping that you will experienceTrue happiness and peace You took a step of courageYou faced the risksBut then, you ended upFeeling so broken and in pain So you build wallsYou tried to protect your heartYou keep yourself away from peopleYou chose to live in the dark But God enteredAnd tried to changeThe way you see thingsHe opened your eyes for a new beginning It was not an easy processYou go through the healingAnd it was God who taught youHow to love again