• His Word

    Day 314 – Jeremiah 17:7

    But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7, NIV Trust in God and put your hope in Him. Do not focus on your own strength. Instead, be confident in His presence, and you will live a life worth living. Treat God as the source of all your blessings. Only then will you learn to rely on His goodness and not on your own riches. Be humble and acknowledge God as the reason why you are still alive. When you face so many obstacles in life, remember the goodness and faithfulness of God. Set your eyes on His power, and you will…

  • Self Development

    There Are Things In Life That Are Greater Than What You Do For Living

    Whatever you are doing right now, I hope the reason is not just for living, but instead, you wanted to make a difference not just in your life but also for others. There is more to life than living. Sometimes, we will learn to appreciate it when we try to serve wholeheartedly instead of asking something in return. You will receive a beautiful treasure when you learn to help, and it’s something that you can never buy, for it can only be felt. What makes this life worth living is not because of the paycheck we receive every month. Yes, it can be a form of reward for yourself, but…