Self Development

Take a Rest so that you will Gain the Strength to Fight again

If you are too tired and exhausted, then all you need to do is take some rest. Pause for a while and allow your body, heart, and mind to recover. Don’t be too occupied by your own goals and then forget about the things that matter most in the end. Reflect on the things that you experienced and try to review if you are still growing or not. Maybe the reason why your growth is stagnant is because you are always in a hurry, and you keep on chasing your desired blessings. Just because you are busy doesn’t mean you are also growing. You need to carefully evaluate your life and make intentional steps that will lead you to live the life that God wants you to cherish. Sometimes, growth only happens when you give yourself a chance to rest and reflect.

Your body’s capacity to endure stress is limited. You may think that you can still do what you want because you can’t feel that there’s something wrong, but you will only realize the effect of what you are doing with your body years from now. So before it’s too late, do something about it. Manage your time properly. Remember that you are a temple of God. So take good care of yourself, and honor God by the way you nurture your physical being. You are living a borrowed life. One day, God will take them away, but when that day comes, I hope you won’t regret anything that you did to yourself. 

Go and take some sleep. Maybe what you need is just time to rest. You may be surrounded by so many deadlines and expectations but surrender them all to God. Put what matters most first. Relieve yourself from stress. Gather some weapons first. Go to your secret place, and let God give you the comfort that you need. Let His peace surpasses all worries and cares. Let His grace gives you the assurance that everything will be okay in the end. Don’t worry. God never stops working, even when you are sleeping. He keeps on loving you, even in moments when you are tired and exhausted.

You can’t think properly if your body is not okay. You can’t fight if you don’t have enough strength. You won’t win if you are too weak to even overcome the struggles that you are facing. So put things in order. Let God be your first priority, and He will be the One who will remind you to take good care of yourself. The Holy Spirit will convict you to start healthy habits that will help you keep going. Just learn to acknowledge His voice, and He will give you instructions about how to love yourself.