His Word

Take Delight in the Lord

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4, NIV

Many times, when we set our eyes away from God, we can’t help but think of our worries and problems. We focus on the things that we can’t control, and we overcome our situation on our own. But here comes David, reminding us to delight in the Lord.  It means that instead of focusing on other things, we need to fix our eyes on God. The One who dearly loves and cares for us.

When we delight in Him, we acknowledge His presence, and we choose to rejoice in His arms. We rely on what He can do more than our strength. It’s an intentional choice to believe in His goodness and love. We can only do this the moment we know Him and it takes an intentional decision as well. It’s about spending time with Him and allowing Him to speak in our lives.

It’s not always easy to do this, especially when we are surrounded by so many problems. But the Spirit of God will be there to help us. He is the one who will speak and remind us what to do. He will lead us to His heart if we just allow Him to move.

When we delight in God, He will give us the desires of our hearts. When we are fully consumed by His love, our desires will slowly align with His will. He will plant His dreams in our hearts, and He will help us fulfill them.

When we rejoice in God, we will also do things that will please Him in the end. Our hearts will then long to honor and glorify His name. Our eyes will be fixed on the things that will bring heaven here on earth. He will then teach us how to love and serve others.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us to delight in you. Thank you for your grace and for giving us the chance to connect with you. We pray for your guidance, Lord. Please remind us to focus on your love so that we will do what’s right in your eyes. Open our senses so that we will feel your presence every single day. This we ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.