Take things one at a time
Doubt kills more dreams than fear. That is because, even before we attempt to do something, our thoughts are already a mile away, creating things that never really happened. Of course, our minds will always create doubts, but that doesn’t mean you need to follow them. Sometimes, when you are given an opportunity, you can’t help but overthink until you reach the point of constantly doubting yourself.
Doubt is not a bad thing, we all go through with it, but it is a matter of how you will handle it. When you listen to your doubts, it will shake your core. And it does not stop there. It will also create regrets and countless what-ifs. Therefore, you must think carefully and always talk to God about it. He will not expect you to do a task perfectly. He knows what you are capable of, but He also knows that you are still learning and is patient with you.
Pray for the things that come into your life, especially when you are bound to make decisions that will affect your life in the long run. Do not just pray for an easy and smooth journey but also for strength and faith. God already designed and orchestrated everything, but that does not mean you need to rush things. You still need to be wise in taking the next steps.
You might doubt, but He can always shower you with His wisdom. Just open your heart and always seek it. Seek His word and grow in it. Let those doubts become opportunities to know yourself more and become a better version of yourself. Take your time with making the right decision or doing the right thing. But pray that the path that you are taking is leading you to His promises.
Sometimes, God will provide blessings, but if it is not handled well, you will fail to see their real purpose. That is why, if He gives you time, treasure it dearly and make the most of it. If He gives you the ability and heart to learn, welcome failures, and have a teachable spirit. Share what you have and let other people experience the blessings God freely gave you. Refrain from pressuring yourself to do well in everything you do. Leave perfection at the door. Instead, do your best and make the most of what you have. Remember, it is not about having fewer regrets after, but it is more about knowing and realizing how God works in your life.
You cannot empower yourself if your lens is set on someone else’s life. So, just focus on Him who can make anything happen. Take things one step at a time. Turn your expectations into hope. Turn perfections into acceptance. Do not rush things but know and believe that God holds the perfect timing.