
Talk to God

I know you haven’t talked to God for a while
Maybe you are afraid to talk to Him right now
Maybe you thought that God won’t listen to you

Or perhaps, you are ashamed to call him
To the point that you can no longer manage to talk to Him
And every time you think of Him,
You can only think of your sins
And all the wrong things that you did

What you have in mind is shame
And instead of feeling loved
You feel like you are condemned
But the truth is…
God want you back in His arms again

He wants to reach out to you
He wants to hear your prayers again
He wants to listen to your sweet voice calling Him Father

Nobody else knows what you truly feel
Except for God who witnessed everything
He is very much willing to listen to the cries of your heart

And more than anyone else,
God understands you
He knows what you are going through

So if there’s someone that you need to talk to…
It’s Him
Because all this time,
God is just waiting for you to surrender

Our God is not a God of condemnation
But He is a God of restoration
He wants to redeem you
God wants to purify you
And He can only do it of you will allow Him

He is not an angry God,
Yes, you did something wrong
But God doesn’t look at your mistakes
He sees you as His precious child
He sees you as His beloved

God loves you so much
Your sins are nothing compared to the power of God
God will keep on loving you
He will always be faithful
And no matter what happens
He will stay with you

Even if sometimes,
You never really acknowledge His presence
He is always there for you
So talk to Him again
For God is waiting

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