Thank You For Not Quitting
Thank you for staying on track
Even if you never really understand everything
Thank you for believing in Him
Even if you still feel some pain inside
Thank you for trusting His goodness
Even if you experienced difficult moments in life
You’ve been through a lot
But you stay committed
You hold on to His promises
Even if you are surrounded by problems
Thank you for trying your best to Glorify Him
The journey that you’ve been through may not be easy
But you manage to stand up and keep on moving
You are a strong person
You made it this far
Because you choose to rely on God
And for that, I would like to say
For every victory that you’ve experienced with God
Congratulations on your breakthroughs in life
You did great!
You may not arrive yet at the perfect place
God destined for you
But you already experience a lot of things with Him
And that’s more than a victory
You learned a lot of lessons
You managed to endure and persevere
And you keep on taking the next step
Even if sometimes, you are struggling
Thank you for choosing God’s love over and over again
You manage to overcome your fears
Because you give God’s love the chance to consume you
Thank you because you never stop praying
Please keep on trusting Him
Believe that He is listening
Child of God, Your beautiful soul
Delights the heart of your Heavenly Father