The Battle Inside
Please be kind to the people around you
You don’t know how much they tried their best
To get up this morning
They exerted so much effort to keep on going
They are already doing their best
To make the right thing
Please don’t be so harsh to them
You don’t know how hard it is to fight
Against an enemy that you can’t see
Deep inside them, they wanted to give up
And in the morning,
Getting out of bed is very challenging for them
Not because they are lazy
And they just wanted to sleep
But because they’ve been going through something
They would rather choose to sleep
Because that’s the only place where they can feel safe
And hide in their dreams the truth about what they feel
That’s where they can cry and burst out all the pain inside
Waking up for them means facing the harsh reality
That they need to live and fight the battle again.
You may not understand this now
because maybe you haven’t experienced the same thing
But the moment you go through this kind of season,
You will realize that it’s never been easy
So be good to them
Try to understand them
Look deeply into their eyes
And you will see what’s going on inside them
And if right now,
You are one of those brave hearts
Who are going through this kind of battle inside
Just remember this,
You will get through this
You can do it!
God is with you in this battle
He is helping you through.
He is guiding your every steps
He knows how difficult it is for you
He is near to the brokenhearted
He is closer than you think
Just cry it out to God for He is listening
Talk to Him even more for He is your best friend
He will not judge you
He will not throw harsh words to you
He will accept you as who you are
He alone knows your true identity
God will be guiding you along the healing process
And when you get healed
You will know that your relationship with God is never the same
It’s more solid
It’s now stronger than ever