Self Development

The Battle that can’t be Seen

There is a certain battle that you can’t see, and it happens inside your mind. It’s not easy to deal with it. It’s one of the difficult fights that you’ll face in life because other people can’t win that battle for you. It takes courage and great faith to overcome it. That’s why, if you don’t have enough strength, you’ll feel so exhausted. But you can’t allow the enemy to win because your life will be destroyed in the end when that happens.

If you continue to listen and follow the enemy’s voice, you will feel like you’re living in the darkness. This is the reason why you must learn to face that battle. You can do it in the arms of God. You don’t have to fight alone. Call upon His name, and He will be there to support you along the journey.

God can strengthen your heart and give you the right weapons to trample the works of the enemy. Open the Bible and read His words, for it is the sword of the spirit. When you are fully aware of what’s written in the scriptures, you can easily conquer the negative voices in your head. You’ll know what to answer and how to silence them. Fill your thoughts with heavenly things, and the enemy can’t easily put you down.

God can supernaturally provide you with the wisdom that you need. And that wisdom will guide you to defeat the lies of the enemy. If you know God’s truth, then your faith won’t be easily shaken. Seek Him first, and He will empower you to do the right thing.

Stop depending on your own understanding. Humble yourself in the Lord and wait for His instructions. Don’t expose yourself to things that will tempt you to listen to the lies of the devil. Stop surrounding yourself with the wrong people who will inject thoughts that will bring you down. If you want to win, then stay with God and grow closer to His arms. The more you know Him, the more you realize that the enemy is meant to be defeated.

If you open your heart for His love, you will receive peace. Just don’t fight on your own. Stay rooted in the presence of your Heavenly Father and seek His Kingdom first. Spend more time with Him, and you can conquer everything.

When you are fighting a battle that you can’t see, it’s very important to take some rest. You need to learn how to pause and quiet your soul. You can do it in your “secret place” with God. Go to your room and talk to Him. Rest in His presence. Embrace His love and listen to His voice, for He is speaking. Just find time to stop thinking about your worries. Imagine that you are sitting with God, and you are leaning on His shoulders. Let Him embrace you, and that’s when He will give you enough courage to win the battle within.

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