The Bible Doesn’t contain Suggestions, but it is the Manual of Life
Many of us think that the words written in the Bible are simply suggestions for us to experience the fullness of this life, but the truth is that God’s words are like our manual here on earth. It is the blueprint that will guide us to the right path. Yes, you always have the freedom to make your own decisions, but may the Bible be the ultimate guiding principle of your life. It will not only lead you to the blessings that God wanted you to receive, but it will also save you from greater pain. Remember that it is like the bread that will nourish your soul and provide the strength you need. It doesn’t only contain pieces of advice, but it’s important than you think.
Treat the Bible as your manual in life. Remember the stories of God’s people in the past and never forget His faithfulness. Follow His instructions, even if sometimes, you can’t understand what’s really going on in your life. Build your faith through His words and never let go of His promises. You can learn many important lessons in the Bible only if you are willing to meditate on it. God will reveal the right thing to do as long as you are willing to follow His words. Yes, sometimes it’s not easy to obey Him. But know that there are blessings behind your obedience to God.
Don’t live the day without reading God’s word. Make it part of your lifestyle. Put God at the center, and it will not be hard for you to make time for Him. Do it not just to honor God but for you to grow in His presence. He will equip and train you on how to handle the challenges in life. He will prepare your heart through His word so that you will not be easily shaken when you face troubles. The word of God will serve as your foundation. So seek Him first, and everything else will follow. Read His word, not just in moments when you need help. Do it every single day of your life, and your perspective will slowly change.
God will speak to you through the Bible. Sometimes, you will not hear His gentle whisper. But He will always reveal to you great things through His words. So keep reading it even if you can’t feel His presence. Know that He is always there guiding you. The Bible is a precious gift from God that will lead you to His heart. He will use it to give you hope and inspiration. So don’t just treat it as mere suggestions but make His word part of the most important treasures in your life.