The Bigger Picture won’t Make Sense if you keep on Focusing on Yourself
God’s purpose is always greater than the things that you personally need. He moves in ways you can never imagine. His wisdom surpasses your own understanding. That’s why you will find it hard to treasure and abide in His plans if you keep on focusing on yourself. You need to learn how to let go of your worries and cares. You will only see the bigger picture that God wanted to happen if you will stop listening to your own voice. Acknowledge the truth that God wants you to see things the way He sees them. Every situation that He allows you to experience comes with a lesson that will help you in fulfilling your mission here on earth. You won’t see them if you will only dwell on what you feel.
It’s very important to receive the vision that God planted in your life because it will serve as your guide. When you feel weary along the journey, your purpose will then give you the courage that you need to keep going. And most of the time, God will plant desires that are greater than what you have in mind. We tend to make plans for our own lives, thinking that we know what’s best for us. But God wanted you to experience greater things in His presence. He will give you tasks that will not just bless your life but it will also bless others. He planted a great desire in your heart that will lead you to serve the people around you. And you won’t be able to receive that purpose if you are so full of your own concerns.
It’s not that God doesn’t care for your needs. He wanted you to experience a better life here on earth. But you won’t feel fulfilled if you won’t align your decisions according to the gifts and skills that God provided you. That’s why you need to see things the way He sees them. In such a way, you will eventually appreciate what He is doing in your life. You need to have a humble heart to accept that God’s ways are somehow different from your expectations. In His presence, you will feel even greater joy the moment you choose to give your life away for the sake of those who need some help. You will be satisfied when you learn to serve others.
So focus on God, and He will give you a chance to see the bigger picture. Stop looking at your own imperfections and weaknesses. Set your eyes on His power and mercy. Receive His promises and humbly live according to His ways. Align your decisions to His principles and seek Him first before you take bold steps. God prepared a bright future for you, but you won’t be able to fully appreciate it if you will only make decisions out of selfish motives.