The Blessings Behind The Uncertainties
You will never know what will happen next in your life. And sometimes, it’s better not to know everything. Because uncertainties in life will teach us a lot of important lessons. We just need to embrace and accept it. If we just learn to open our hearts at the end of the day, life will always give us enough reason to live.
Sometimes, uncertainties in life are great blessings. If you can’t see what will happen next, you will never be overwhelmed with the challenges. Not seeing the whole staircase is not a bad thing. Just live with what you have but don’t stop hoping. You will get to the place you are destined to be if you will keep on trying new things. So just continue to walk and do not be anxious about what will happen next.
Just focus on the next step. Deal with what’s in front of you, and never be afraid of the problems you will encounter. Stop looking back with regrets. Instead, move forward and trust that the next step you will take will lead you to a better place. Try to experience little breakthroughs, and only then will you have the courage to take the bigger ones. It’s okay to fail along the way because the lessons that you will learn from your mistakes will always be worth it one day.
The uncertainties will teach you how to trust and believe. It will strengthen and mold you into a better person. The trust inside your heart will also lead you to a lot of incredible things in life. And the more you believe, the more you realize that this life is just a matter of faith. It’s also God’s way of teaching you the best thing to do. You just have to trust in Him even more. The trust that you give to God will never be wasted. You will receive the harvest one day, and only then will you appreciate everything that He did.
Faith is a very rewarding blessing from God. And there’s no such thing as faith if we already know all things. We must be thankful to God because He gave us the chance to learn and experience what faith is all about through our lives’ uncertainties. So instead of worrying because you never know what tomorrow brings, why not use this opportunity to grow your faith in the Lord. Choose to praise and glorify His name even if you can’t see what’s ahead. And when you arrive at the place that God prepared for you, the journey you’ve been through will powerfully testify God’s goodness in your life.

Article is truly inspiring.