Self Development

The Breaking Season will somehow Strengthen your Heart

There are truths in life that are so easy to understand but hard to accept. How can a painful situation strengthen our hearts when it causes us to shrink and walk in the darkness? How will things fall in the right places when your heart is already shattered in pieces? It doesn’t make sense. Why do people always talk about strength in moments when we feel weak? Is it because they are just insensitive? How come it’s so difficult to accept the truth that good things will still happen? Maybe you also have these questions in your head. It’s not that pain is not real. You ought to acknowledge it. But you will find strength despite what you experienced. You won’t see it because you are still in that pruning season. But when you look back, you will realize how good God is in your life.

God takes away the things that can potentially hinder you from growing. He will uproot and plant you to a better ground. He will prune and take away the branches that prevent you from bearing more fruits. It’s going to be so painful. But just remember that every time He allows you to go through that season, it means that He is leading you to a bigger blessing. He is preparing you for what’s ahead. He is giving you the necessary tools that you need through the experiences that He gave. You just need to keep the lessons that He gave you. So that when the perfect time comes, those lessons will turn into your weapon in defeating your future battles.

Trust that He is building your foundation. He is replacing the weak points in your heart. It hurts because you think that what you have is already enough. You tried to put your trust in things that you thought would last. It’s painful because you thought that all this time, you already had everything you needed until God broke them and showed you their true colors. That’s when you realize that you are standing on the wrong ground. You are building a very weak foundation. So God needs to come in and intervene. He needs to change the way you see things through the painful seasons that you experienced. God needs to do something just to save you from greater pain.

So keep going, and don’t be easily discouraged when the pain creeps in. Remember that God’s strength becomes so evident when you feel weak and helpless. His promises become so real when you go through the darkness. His grace is more tangible when your heart is breaking. Because when you are weak, God is strong. When He allows you to experience pain, it means that He is teaching your heart how to hold on and be courageous. You will realize this the moment you experience another storm in your life. One day, you will thank God for the painful seasons that you have overcome.