The Cross
I hope you understand what the Cross really means
It’s not just a symbol of faith
It is where the greatest act of love happened
It is where Jesus sacrificed His life for us to be saved
It is powerful than you think
Yes, it is where Jesus died but then after His death,
Eternal life begins
Because Jesus gave us life in exchange for His
It is the most powerful act of forgiveness
That’s why every time you believe in what Jesus did on the Cross
Every time you trust in the power of His name
You will receive His precious gift of grace
You will realize that love is the reason why you are created
You will then experience a life worth living
The Cross is the greatest hope
That the humanity ever received
Because of it, we are redeemed
And when you are feeling sad and disappointed,
The Cross will remind you to hold on
It will give you the strength to step ahead
It reflects the love that we need
The kind of love that never fails
The kind of love that will heal all our pain
The kind of love that restores what’s broken
We learned to love because Jesus showed to us how to do it
It’s sacrificing your life so that others will live
It’s about serving them with all your heart
And it’s about releasing forgiveness even if it hurts
May we not forget what Jesus did on the Cross
This is not just merely for salvation
But there is a victory on the Cross
The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against the enemy
It is where victory begins,
Because through the Cross, our sins are forgiven
We are renewed once again
The only way to receive the love of God
Is only through the Cross
It’s acknowledging the truth that we are all sinners
And we need a Savior
And His name is Jesus
Freedom begins the moment you receive God’s forgiveness
And that’s when you encounter Him through the Cross
You are God’s beloved
You are God’s precious child
Always remember His great love for you
He sacrificed His son just to have you back again
He wants to be with you
So please don’t forget Him