The Enemy is Destined to Fail
Jesus already conquered everything. What he did on the cross is a powerful weapon that we can use against the enemy. Remember that the blood of Jesus can wash away the sins and strongholds in your life. So get up and don’t allow the negative voices that you hear to consume your thoughts. Remember that the enemy is destined to fail simply because Jesus won the victory 200 years ago. The evil things that happen in your life can never destroy you as long as you treat Jesus as your Savior. Claim His victory in your life, and you will never be shaken.
Do not treat the negative things around you as bigger than the power of God. Set your eyes in His great love and magnify His goodness in your life. Remember the miracles that He did and know that He will continue to reign. You may encounter so many temptations, but put Jesus at the center, and the enemy can never lead you to destruction. You are meant to experience the fullness of this life because Jesus died to save you. So receive Him and Let His amazing grace change you from the inside out.
Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. Know that God alone knows your true identity. So you must only listen to Him. When you hear voices that say, “you are not enough”, “you are a failure”, or “nobody loves you,” know that these hurtful words are not true. Do not believe in them. Read God’s word, and there, you will discover who you truly are in His eyes. Fill your thoughts with His instructions and promises so that you will not be tempted to follow what the enemy is saying. The word of God is the sword of the spirit. When you are bombarded with lies, you can fight them by declaring to yourself that the things that God said will certainly happen in your life. Connect to Him and keep on listening to His voice. You will overcome the enemy’s temptation as long as you are rooted in His love.
Don’t allow the bad things in your life to completely change the way you connect to God. The enemy can’t win. Just let Jesus reign because He alone holds the strongest weapon against him. Keep your faith and choose to grow in His presence. Surrender everything to Him and let Him fight the battle for you. Stop analyzing everything. Just come to God and ask for His help.
Sometimes, when we go through hardships, we think God is punishing us, but what if it’s just the force of evil trying to destroy our lives? So instead of walking away from God, lean on His shoulders and hold His hands, walk with Him, and you will overcome the challenges you are facing. Let your bad experiences teach you how to trust in Him. The enemy will rejoice if you will walk away from God. That’s his plan. So if you are in the middle of the darkness, come to God and let the enemy know that he is already defeated.
Claim the victory that is in you. Know that Jesus is in your heart. That means His light will shine in your life even when you go through the darkness. Still, you won’t be completely destroyed because the power of His precious blood is protecting your soul. Just keep Him in your heart and never let go of His teachings. Rely on His ways and stop doing things on your own. Acknowledge His presence and live according to His will. Your journey with Him is not going to be easy because there will be days when He will challenge you to take up your cross and follow Him, but trust Him with all your heart. Receive the bright future that He prepared and live a victorious life with Him.