
The fact that Jesus loves you is so easy to Forget

We are living in a world that is full of destruction. We receive so much information in our surroundings and through the internet. This is the reason why we can’t help but forget the important things in our lives. One minute, we are so filled with God’s love, and then suddenly, something comes up, and just by a snap, we can totally forget who we are in His eyes.

There are so many temptations, and we can’t easily control what’s going on, so we must learn how to guard our hearts against the unnecessary things that will keep us away from His love. If there’s one thing in this world that we should never forget, that’s the love of Jesus that He poured out on the cross. It’s a very strong foundation in our lives, and once we forget what He did, we can easily do things that will keep us away from His arms. That’s how crucial and important it is.

You must always find some time to be conscious about His great love. Before you start your day, ask God to fill your heart with His kindness and compassion. Let Him come inside and embrace your thirsty heart. Be consumed by His love so that you’ll have the courage to face your day. When you encounter problems, then you will always remember God’s goodness and power.

Let His love complete your life. Don’t start your day without coming to His presence. Be filled first by the Holy Spirit so that you won’t be easily shaken when the enemy tries to attack you. Declare to yourself over and over again that you have a Savior and He lives. His Name is Jesus, the beloved son of God. Put that in mind, and you’ll live a victorious life.

Keep yourself away from temptation. Do not expose your eyes and ears to things that will eventually lead you to forget about the love of God. Listen to music that will bless your heart. Read books that will remind you of His goodness. Watch videos that will help you keep your faith. Avoid those contents that will just entertain you for a moment, yet in the end, it leads you to forget who Jesus is. Be careful with what you are listening for it will affect how you think.

Fill your mind with God’s words. Read the bible and talk to people who will remind you about His miracles. Who you surround yourself with will matter in the end. Be in a good environment, and you will always feel God’s presence.

You can forget everything but not the love of God. You must carry it everywhere you go. Like a fruitful seed, plant them inside your heart so that when the time is right, you can share them with those who are in need. His love will motivate you to work hard so that you can serve others. It’s like your driving force that will push you to move forward even when it’s so hard and challenging.

Put Jesus at the center of your life. Let Him rest in your heart. Never allow the destructions and temptations of this world to keep you away from Him. Do not forget His great love. It’s not an easy thing to do, but through the help of the Holy Spirit, you’ll be able to live a life that is filled with His presence.