Self Development

The Fact that you are Doing your Best is Already a Victory

Victory doesn’t only happen when you already have the results that you expected. You will also experience it even if you are still in the process. The fact that you never allowed your negative thoughts to dictate your actions is already a form of success. When you keep doing your best despite what you feel, that alone is already a victory that you should celebrate. Things don’t have to be big and extravagant for you to see their worth. When you know that deep inside, you achieve something that will slowly change your life forever, then take some time to rejoice and be happy for it. Congratulate yourself for a job well done. Never hesitate to appreciate the efforts you exerted to become a better version of yourself.

Keep trying. Yes, there are moments when you feel so tired, but always remember that you can take some rest. You are allowed to take a break. But when you regain enough strength, please continue your journey and let God guide you all throughout the way. You are not alone. Maybe you feel so weak because you think you are living this life on your own and no one else cares for you. But the truth is, God never leaves your side. He’s been holding your hands all this time. Whether you believe it or not, He is leading you to the right path. You may not feel His presence, but He is always there for you.

Do everything that you can to glorify God. Let Him be your only audience. Even if you are working or cleaning your house, imagine that you are doing it for Him. Give your all, and soon you will see the fruits of your efforts. It may take a long process and a lot of patience. But the journey is always worth it as long as you do everything you can for God’s kingdom. It will all make sense. Just keep doing the right thing.

You are meant to live a victorious life. But first, you need to align your perspective to God. Ask Him what His victory means. Sometimes, you see things according to the standards of this world. But when you consult God and align your heart to Him, you will appreciate the blessings around you. He sees all the effort you exerted, and He values your life, not because of the success you experience but simply because you are His beloved child. He knows what you are doing when people are not watching.